CLC Selected Advocacy Projects

Supporting Mountain View Tenants Coalition

The CLC provides technical assistance and legal advice to tenants in the city of Mountain View, who are organizing to fight for policy changes in their local city council. The Mountain View Tenants Rights Coalition supports rent stabilization, meaningful relocation benefits, just cause protection from eviction, and other policies to mitigate the gentrification underway in their community. Just south of Palo Alto, the city of Mountain View is home to multiple brand name tech companies, whose expansions have added thousands of workers to the local economy with no accompanying expansion of the housing stock. Acknowledging that building more affordable housing is imperative, tenant activists also urge their local government by protecting existing tenants in the years it will take to bring new housing on line. CLC lawyers assist the campaign with legal analysis, drafting, and strategic advice.

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Mountain View Tenants’ Coalition and local residents protest displacement
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Community Education

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Policymakers, advocates, and tenants meet to learn about possible anti-displacement measures.
CLC Selected Advocacy Projects

CLC attorneys provide Know Your Rights and other community education to local organizations and groups interested in preserving affordable housing and protecting low-income tenant communities in the local area. Students hone their public speaking skills and learn how to present complex and dense legal issues in a direct and understandable manner to diverse audiences.