Cultured: The Regulation of Cultivated Meat in the EU and US. What Does the Future Hold for Cellular Agriculture?


Ayana Dootalieva


Cultured, cultivated or lab grown meat is an actual meat product, though one not requiring the slaughter of animals. Instead, a non-invasive biopsy is performed to extract cells from animals, which are further grown in a laboratory setting. Cultivated meat is slowly but surely becoming available in different parts of the world and it is only a matter of time before lab grown meat products will become available on supermarket shelves in the EU and US. Cultivated meat comes with the promise of sustainable production and a decrease in livestock farming and, therefore, a significant decrease in (agricultural) greenhouse gas emissions. Producers must however first overcome regulatory hurdles on both sides of the Atlantic before cultivated meat products would be allowed to enter the EU and US consumer markets. This comparative project will focus on the regulatory requirements for market entry of cultured meat products in the EU and US. This project will further zoom in on other challenges that cultivated meat products will face after the authorities’ pre-market approval such as challenges related to the labeling of cellular meat products.