Immigrant Raids Know Your Rights Materials

In January 2008, the IRC completed a major project for its client, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC). Clinic students Ling Lew (’09), Mindy Jeng (’09), Laura Hurtado (’09) and Eunice Cho (’09) worked with the ILRC developing materials to protect immigrants at risk of apprehension during Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids on their homes.

Lew and Jeng researched and prepared “know your rights” materials to educate immigrants about their legal rights during a raid. The materials include a “red card” that immigrants can give to ICE agents during a raid in order to preserve their rights, such as the right not sign documents in the absence of a lawyer. Cho and Hurtado researched and drafted a model Motion to Suppress Evidence, which ILRC intends to use to train pro bono attorneys in the Bay Area who have expressed interest in representing immigrants arrested during immigration raids. The Motion requests that an Immigration Judge suppress evidence that is illegally collected through egregious violations of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and through violations of agency regulations.