An Introduction to the Laws of Afghanistan (4th Ed.)


  • Et al.
Publish Date:
December 31, 2017
Publication Title:
An Introduction to the Laws of Afghanistan (4th Ed.)
Book, Section
  • Mehdi J. Hakimi, et al., An Introduction to the Laws of Afghanistan (4th Ed.), Stanford Law School–Afghanistan Legal Education Project (2017).
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An Introduction to the Laws of Afghanistan (2017) is the first of several textbooks published by Stanford Law School’s Afghanistan Legal Education Project (ALEP). This textbook provides a critical introduction to the modern laws and legal institutions of Afghanistan. It will first examine some fundamental and preliminary legal concepts which will be revisited in subsequent chapters. Next, the readers will learn about the sources of Afghan law as well as Afghanistan’s legal history. The book will also explore Afghanistan’s major legal institutions under the current constitution. Moreover, the readers will be introduced to Afghanistan’s substantive laws and procedural laws. To learn further about specific areas of Afghan law, please explore ALEP’s other publications on the rapidly evolving Afghan legal landscape.