Do We Really Want Facebook and Amazon to Rule AI?


Publish Date:
November 8, 2021
Publication Title:
The Hill
Op-Ed or Opinion Piece
  • Daniel E. Ho, Jen King & Russell Wald, Do We Really Want Facebook and Amazon to Rule AI?, The Hill (Nov. 8, 2021),
Related Organization(s):


A government commission is currently considering an innovation that could be as transformational for Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a hadron collider is for physics. It’s called a National Research Cloud, and right now the federal National AI Research Resource Task Force (NAIRR) is determining how we can develop such a cloud to broaden access to computing and data and spur basic and non-commercial AI research. At stake may be rates of investment in basic scientific research not seen since the days of the Cold War.

The concept is straightforward. The federal government will provide access to computing and data resources needed for AI research that are becoming increasingly inaccessible to academic scholars.