RLC Cases
Since the clinic’s launch in January 2013, students have taken on the following projects:
- Legislative advocacy for Buddhist and Native American inmates regarding a proposed limitation on religious items in California prisons.
- Legislative advocacy for a terminally-ill Orthodox religious leader seeking to be buried at the California monastery he founded decades earlier.
- Legislative advocacy for Jewish inmates regarding Kosher meal accommodations in Michigan prisons.
- A comprehensive evaluation for a faith-based family camp facing religious discrimination in the use of its property.
- Advocacy on behalf of a Jewish organization for prisoners restricted from participating in communal prayer services.
- Advocacy on behalf of a Sikh woman facing unnecessary and discriminatory procedures when taking the bar exam because of her religious head covering.
- Drafting a religious-liberty handbook for a national civil-rights organization to provide to Native American prisoners across the country.
- Drafting a practice guide for a national civil-rights organization to support the litigation of asylum claims based on religious persecution.
- Negotiation for a Jewish family seeking religious-instruction alternatives for their child under a California public school “release time” program.
- Negotiation for a Jewish rabbi seeking to visit a member of his congregation confined to a California prison.
- Negotiation for Sabbath observers who were refused accommodation in their public schooling and employment.
- Negotiation for prominent Jewish groups and individuals seeking various religious accommodations in California prisons.
- Negotiation for a Christian inmate prevented from attending his religious service due to a conflict with his rehabilitation program.
- Negotiation for a Muslim inmate requesting Kosher meals where the prison did not provide Halal meals.
- Negotiation for a Jehovah’s Witness who was denied an accommodation for her Sunday religious service.
- Agency work in California for a Sikh temple organization facing land-use challenges.
- Agency work in California for a Christian monastery regarding compliance with local zoning ordinances.
- Agency work in California for Sikh employees whose private-sector employer refused their requests for a grooming accommodation.
- Agency and trial-level work for a Hare Krishna organization challenging certain taxation of its temple property.
- Agency and trial-level work in California for a Jehovah’s Witness who was denied a public-sector job after refusing to take a loyalty oath.
- Agency and federal trial-level work in Florida for an inmate who returned to his parents’ Jewish faith in prison but whose request to be circumcised was denied.
- Agency and federal trial-level work in California for a Muslim inmate facing restrictions on his right to wear a kufi.
- Agency, federal trial-level, and federal appellate-level work in California for a non-denominational church facing zoning challenges to continuing its ministry to the homeless.
- Agency and trial-level work in California for a Muslim employee whose public-sector employer refused his accommodation request for a retirement-savings option in line with his religious beliefs.
- Trial-level work (with the DOJ) in Pennsylvania federal court for a Muslim security guard seeking to maintain a beard in accordance with his faith.
- Trial-level work in California state court for a mosque association with land-use challenges.
- Trial-level work in California federal court for Seventh-day Adventist employees whose private-sector employer took adverse action against them based on their need to observe the Sabbath on Saturday.
- Trial-level work in California federal court for a Messianic Jewish inmate refused daily kosher meals in prison.
- Trial-level work in California federal court for a Seventh-day Adventist employee whose private-sector employer refused Sabbath accommodation.
- Trial-level work in California for a Rastafarian inmate seeking to challenge a policy disfavoring the purchase of religious items.
- Trial-level work in California for a Messianic Jewish inmate whose prison denied his request for a faith-based name change.
- Trial-level work in California federal court for a Native American inmate facing restrictions on his ability to pray as regularly as his faith requires.
- Trial-level work in Alabama federal court for a Muslim inmate challenging the prison’s policy of requiring the attendance of its mainline Protestant chaplain and disallowing a religious advisor of the inmate’s faith in the execution chamber.
- Trial-level work for a Messianic Jew who was discharged after his employer denied him time off for his religious holidays.
- Trial-level work in Texas federal court for a Pentecostal Christian nurse denied employment based on her religious request to wear a long skirt instead of pants.
- Trial-level and appellate-level work in Illinois state court for a client seeking a driver’s license without a photograph for religious reasons.
- Trial-level and appellate-level work in California federal court for a Seventh-day Adventist employee whose employer denied her a full-time position with benefits based on her need to observe the Sabbath.
- Trial-level and appellate-level work in California state court for a Seventh-day Adventist denied public-sector employment for refusing to work on the Sabbath.
- Appellate-level work in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for a Messianic Christian inmate denied a religious accommodation at his prison job.
- Appellate-level work in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit for Falun Gong adherents who were harassed at their places of worship.
- A petition for certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court for a Jehovah’s Witness who was denied a religious accommodation to attend his worship services.
- An amicus brief in the New Jersey appellate division for Quaker organizations in support of a Jewish synagogue facing zoning challenges.
- An amicus brief in the California Court of Appeal for Baptist organizations in support of a local church’s right to determine its members.
- An amicus brief in the California Court of Appeal for Seventh-day Adventist organizations in support of a Jewish School’s right to hire and serve non-adherents.
- An amicus letter in the California Supreme Court for a non-profit organization in support of a petition for review arising from the denial to a Jewish School the right to hire and serve non-adherents.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit for a non-profit organization in support of “church plan protection” in federal pension law.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for a Christian advocacy group in support of a Texas inmate’s challenge to a ban on his Native American religious practices.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit for Jewish advocacy groups in support of a family Bible camp project facing obstacles to construction.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for a non-profit organization in support of “church plan” protection in federal law.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit for an interfaith coalition of Buddhist, Christian, and Hare Krishna groups in support of Jewish prisoners seeking access to kosher meals.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for the Becket Fund in support of a Buddhist house of worship in Hawaii facing land-use challenges.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court for a national women’s prisoner advocacy organization in support of a Muslim prisoner’s right to maintain a beard in accordance with his faith.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court for a national Muslim organization in support of a petition for certiorari arising from a Montana ruling forcing a small religious community to participate in the state’s workers’ compensation program.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of a national Sikh organization in support of a petition for certiorari arising from a prison policy forcing Native American inmates to cut their hair in violation of their faith.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the National Catholic Educational Association in support of the core right of religious schools to choose their ministers.
- An amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the Sikh Coalition in support of awarding of money damages to plaintiffs who suffer religious discrimination in violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.