Rights Gone Wrong

Selected as one of The New York Times Sunday Book Review’s 100 Notable Books of 2011
Richard Thompson Ford, Rights Gone Wrong: How Law Corrupts the Struggle for Equality, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011.
Read excerpts from Rights Gone Wrong available online at Slate:
- How the Civil Rights Movement Led to a Ban on Ladies’ Night
- Why It’s Not Always Best to Treat Education as a Civil Right
- Why Civil Rights Lawsuits are Becoming Irrelevant in the Fight for Social Justice
Read the review of Rights Gone Wrong at Kirkus Reviews.
Read Jeffrey Rosen’s review of Rights Gone Wrong in New York Times Sunday Book Review.
Buy Rights Gone Wrong
Ford could be characterized as a contrarian debunking accepted wisdom of both the left and right, but all sides can learn much from his thinking.
Publishers Weekly