Printing, Photocopying and Scanning
The second-floor Teaming Room houses 3 printers with one of the three being reserved for special cardstock printing needs (resumes, labels, etc.) Two additional printers are available on the first-floor. Color printing is not available.
To activate library printers, simply scan your SUID at the Equitrac station that is located next to each printer. Printing at the Law Library is available for SLS students only.
If you have any problems printing, please contact SLS It at
- From the Print window, click Properties.
- Locate the Finishing tab, and uncheck the Print on both sides box.
- From the Print window, uncheck the Two-Sided box.
Scanning and Photocopying
There are two KIC Bookeye self-service scanning stations in the library. One is located behind the Circulation Desk on the First-floor in room 160. The second scanner is in the Teaming Room. KIC Bookeye scanners can produce various file formats of scanned material. Saving your scan is easy. Save to your phone, Google Drive, or send scans to your email address. The scanners also have built-in cropping tools.
Additionally, the Teaming Room is equipped with a copier and batch scanner. Copying is a paid service. To copy, you will need to purchase a copy card from the neighboring Equitrac Card dispenser. The cost to purchase a card is $1.00 and then you will need to add value. The card dispenser only accepts cash.
If you have any trouble using the copier, please contact facilities at
A ScanPro 3000, digital microform viewer/scanner is available on the first floor of the library across from the Borrowing Services Desk. Users may read microfilm and microfiche products, produce quality PDFs from the microforms and email or download the documents. Please contact if you need assistance using this reader. Our microform collection is discoverable in SearchWorks and housed in our locked-stacks. If you need to page microfilm, please visit the Circulation Desk or send an email.