YEAS Resources
Non-Profit Organizations
Public Advocates
Impact litigation, based in San Francisco, CA.
National Center for Youth Law
Impact litigation, based in Oakland, CA.
Child Law Center
Impact litigation and direct services around various youth issues, based in San Francisco, CA.
California education policy organization, based in Mountain View, CA.
Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago
Direct services for low-income persons, including representing students, based in Chicago, IL.
Business and Professional People for the Public Interest
Impact ligitation, based in Chicago, IL.
The Education Trust
An education advocacy and policy organization based in Washington, DC and Oakland, CA.
Education Sector
An education advocacy and policy organization based in Washington, DC.
Education Law Center
Impact litigation and advocacy, based in Newark, NJ.
Center for Law and Education
Education advocacy and advising, based in Washington, DC and Boston, MA.