
Opportunity and impact start with a degree from Stanford Law.

Whether you set your sights on a big-city firm or a startup, the halls of policymaking or the highest court in the land, international business or justice on a global scale — or anything in between — consider a degree from Stanford Law your ticket to opportunity and impact.  Earned in an atmosphere of excellence and creative collaboration, an SLS JD, joint degree or advanced degree connotes deep experience, leadership abilities, team skills and a commitment to advancing innovative solutions through law.

Slides: Roll Fold - Only at SLS 2024

Only at SLS
Discover the unmatched advantages that distinguish Stanford Law School— and that transform SLS students into exceptional lawyers and leaders.
Stanford University: Explore the universityʼs top-ranked schools and departments, an innovation-driven intellectual community, and diverse sports and cultural activities. Joint Degrees: Choose from 32 or design your own. Interdisciplinary Living and Learning: Share space with graduate students from across campus in modern Munger Residences, designed to foster community, interaction, and discussion.
Legal Luminaries: Study with faculty members who are opening new frontiers in law, from net neutrality to Supreme Court practice and criminal procedure. Faculty Discussion Seminars: Explore the state of democratic discourse, corporate dilemmas, governing poverty, the intersections of race, civil rights and human rights, and other provocative topics with faculty and classmates. New Areas of Law: Learn lawʼs role in the digital realm at the law school whose pioneering programs cover everything from artificial intelligence and machine learning to cyber security.
Full-time Clinics: Immerse yourself in individualized, hands-on learning through any of the 11 full-time clinics, without the distraction of any other coursework. Law & Policy Lab: Evaluate the costs and benefits of scaling up prescribed burning in California, develop solutions for illegal fishing and labor abuses in seafood supply chains, and assess the current hate crime enforcement model, among many other critical questions. Global Opportunities: Spend a week with professors and peers in South Africa, Colombia, or India or spend 10 weeks immersed in international law and finance through the Global Quarter at SLS and abroad.
Projects with Impact: Get involved with projects making a real-world difference through our many programs and centers focused on issues as wide-ranging as cyber policy, the legal profession, criminal justice, and regulation, evaluation and governance. Public Interest/Public Service: Prepare to advance the public good and social justice, through dedicated classes, clinics, pro bono work, externships, and mentorships, with career support and financial assistance.
From Student to Scholar: Gain exposure to legal scholarship, produce it, and prepare to be the next generation of law professors or academics. Clerkships: Learn the inner workings of the judicial system, hone your skills, and advance the law by clerking for a justice on the U.S. Court of Appeals, U.S. District Court, or U.S. Supreme Court—a strong SLS tradition. California Comforts: Ponder your moot court argument on a run in the foothills or a bike trek to the coast—any day of the year.
Unconventional Community: Expand your horizons as part of the unique start-up culture that thrives in our anything-is-possible Silicon Valley neighborhood. Open-Minded Community: Join a community that values open discussion about the critical and controversial issues of our time.
Photos of campus; students in class.
Photos of campus; students walking.

SLS Degree Programs


An intensive program offered in an environment that is collegial and interdisciplinary, on the campus of one of the world’s leading research universities.

Dynamic Program
I'm really thankful that Stanford allows its students to pursue multiple joint degree options, and I was able to graduate in three years, [with a second] degree.

Jonathan Berry-Smith, JD '18

Where will an SLS degree take you?

The careers of our alumni demonstrate that an SLS degree opens doors everywhere. From Chicago to Singapore, Wall Street to Silicon Valley, the European Union to Washington, D.C. — you will find Stanford Law graduates wherever people and organizations need lawyers and leaders with the intelligence, experience, values, perspective and passion to make a difference.


Am Law 100 firms that employ SLS alumni as attorneys


Median starting salary for a graduate of the Class of 2023 (private sector)


Consecutive years SLS graduates have clerked for justices on the U.S. Supreme Court


Students in a typical class who clerk after graduation