Is Do-It-Yourself CRISPR as Scary as It Sounds?

Ebola: The Tolling Bell

Media reports about the gene-editing technique called CRISPR-Cas9 have generated some doomsday scenarios that the technology would be used, as Wired magazine wrote, to create “designer babies, invasive mutants, species-specific bioweapons, and a dozen other apocalyptic sci-fi tropes. Hank Greely weighed-in on do-it-yourself uses of CRISPR with an op-ed for STAT. The following is an excerpt:

CRISPR is revolutionizing genetics. It is not the first form of genome editing, but it has made editing enormously faster, cheaper, easier, and more accurate. A great deal of attention has been paid to the use of CRISPR in humans but this use is heavily regulated, in part because we care so much about human safety. Using CRISPR in non-human organisms will be much easier, both legally and practically, but no less worrisome. Read his complete perspective on STAT.