Women of Legal Tech: Lucy Endel Bassli

Legaltech news’ June “Women of Legal Tech” features Lucy Endel Bassli, who recently left Microsoft to create InnoLegal Services, PLLC. She is the founder and principal.

It’s a “consulting firm under the form of a law firm,” she says, noting that “in order to push the topic with other lawyers and really blur the lines between practice of law and consulting  on the latest processes, resources and systems.” She is based in Seattle, and also serves as Chief Legal Strategist at LawGeex.

Read Legaltech news’ “Women of Legal Tech: Lucy Bassli and Her ‘New Norm” of Legal Services Delivery.”


Women of Legal Tech: Lucy Endel Bassli 1



Here are three bonus questions exclusive to CodeX.


Work tips re: “managing up:” I always operate from a place of trust and authenticity but have learned that not everyone else operates that way. I firmly believe that when there is mutual professional trust, there is no need to “manage up.” Open and honest communication should be all anyone needs.

Balancing tips: Know your personal limits and set them clearly with everyone around you. Prioritize what really needs to be done and what can wait. Not everything is urgent.

Dress codes? Be comfortable, both physically and psychologically in whatever you are wearing. In tech, there is so much flexibility, and we can really be comfortable these days. The definition of dressing professionally in tech is very fluid. Since the days of panty hose and skirt suits are gone (thank goodness), we can create the new definition of professional together. Luckily, a nice pair of jeans goes a long way these days! But, please do not wear heels that are visibly uncomfortable. I’m five feet tall and love some height, but I always look for comfort brands. Anyone who knows me, knows that Clarks from London are my secret (they send different stuff to the U.S.I swear). Who knew that my highest heal would be Clarks?!



Being Lucy Bassli, Assistant General Counsel at Microsoft,” Bloomberg Law Big Law Business, August 17, 2015.

Watch for Legal Talk Network’s Law Technology Now podcast featuring Lucy Endel Bassli.


• Courtesy: Lucy Endel Bassli.
• Clipart.com: cover


Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and a freelance journalist ( (Alchemizing Law LLC). She is a member of the California Bar. Email: mbay@codex.stanford.edu. Twitter: @MonicaBay.