CodeX Meeting: May 28th, 2020
Hi Everyone,
Our next CodeX group meeting is this Thursday (May 28), from 1.30p to 2.30p PT via Zoom. Please note that this meeting is *virtual only,* and that all speakers will present remotely.
Our guests will be:
Sachin Malhan and Supriya Sankaran, Co-founders, Agami. Agami works to inspire and enable ideas that solve India’s biggest law and justice challenges, launching initiatives such as the Agami Prize and Agami Summit, and innovation challenges around E-ADR and data for justice themes.
Julie Saltman, CEO, Co-founder, Clause Logic. Clause Logic is a customizable document drafting platform – built into Microsoft Word – and tailored for lawyers, aiming to help them draft and review documents more efficiently, minimize errors, reduce unbilled time, and work from home more effectively.
Emil Stefanutti, COO, ContractRoom, and Siva Pullabhotla, CTO, Standav. ContractRoom is a contract lifecycle management software application offering online negotiation, automated document assembly, and AI-enhanced workflow management, with rules-based routing and approvals.
See you then!