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Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives on Tort and Regulation

Current Offerings

Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives on Tort and Regulation (3260): We live in a time when disasters, tragically, have taken on new meaning. Natural disasters arise with great frequency and growing intensity. And responsible party disasters dominate the headlines, generating fear and a sense of disbelief. Both prospective preventive measures, and retrospective restorative efforts on behalf of victims, raise enormously difficult questions of how best to address these momentous events. This seminar will examine preventive measures and remedial relief for natural disasters, such as pandemics (COVID) wildfires, floods, and hurricanes. Similarly, we will focus on preventive and remedial relief in responsible party disasters, such as acts of terrorism, oil spills, and release of toxic substances. Students may elect to write a research paper for 3 units and R-credit with consent of the instructor. After the term begins, students accepted into the course can transfer from section 01 (2 units) into section 02 (3 units), which meets the R requirement, with consent of the instructor. Elements used in grading: Attendance, class participation, written assignments, or final research paper


Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives on Tort and Regulation | LAW 3260 Section 01 Class #1079

  • 2 Units
  • Grading: Law Honors/Pass/Restrd Cr/Fail
  • Enrollment Limitations: Lottery 18
    • 1L: Winter Elective (Open to First-Year JD Students)
  • Course Category:
    • Tort Law

Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives on Tort and Regulation | LAW 3260 Section 02 Class #1080

  • 3 Units
  • Grading: Law Honors/Pass/Restrd Cr/Fail
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
    • 1L: Winter Elective (Open to First-Year JD Students)
  • Graduation Requirements:
    • R -Research Requirement for Law Degree
  • Learning Outcomes Addressed:
    • LO3 - Ability to Conduct Legal Research
    • LO4 - Ability to Communicate Effectively in Writing
  • Course Category:
    • Tort Law

Past Offerings

Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives on Tort and Regulation (3260): We live in a time when disasters, tragically, have taken on new meaning. Natural disasters arise with great frequency and growing intensity. And responsible party disasters dominate the headlines, generating fear and a sense of disbelief. Both prospective preventive measures, and retrospective restorative efforts on behalf of victims, raise enormously difficult questions of how best to address these momentous events. This seminar will examine preventive measures and remedial relief for natural disasters, such as pandemics (COVID) wildfires, floods, and hurricanes. Similarly, we will focus on preventive and remedial relief in responsible party disasters, such as acts of terrorism, oil spills, and release of toxic substances. Students may elect to write a research paper for 3 units and R-credit with consent of the instructor. After the term begins, students accepted into the course can transfer from section 01 (2 units) into section 02 (3 units), which meets the R requirement, with consent of the instructor. Elements used in grading: Attendance, class participation, written assignments, or final research paper


Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives on Tort and Regulation | LAW 3260 Section 01 Class #1087

  • 2 Units
  • Grading: Law Honors/Pass/Restrd Cr/Fail
  • 2023-2024 Winter
    Schedule No Longer Available
  • Enrollment Limitations: Lottery 18
    • 1L: Winter Elective (Open to First-Year JD Students)
  • Course Category:
    • Tort Law

  • 2023-2024 Winter
    Schedule No Longer Available

Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives on Tort and Regulation | LAW 3260 Section 02 Class #30733

  • 3 Units
  • Grading: Law Honors/Pass/Restrd Cr/Fail
  • 2023-2024 Winter
    Schedule No Longer Available
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent
  • Graduation Requirements:
    • R -Research Requirement for Law Degree
  • Learning Outcomes Addressed:
    • LO3 - Ability to Conduct Legal Research
    • LO4 - Ability to Communicate Effectively in Writing
  • Course Category:
    • Tort Law

  • 2023-2024 Winter
    Schedule No Longer Available
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