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Future Offerings

Mediation (7819): As law is practiced today, attorneys are generally far more likely to participate in more mediations than trials. Mediation offers parties a consensual, confidential, and facilitated process through which agreement can be reached at any stage of the dispute. This course offers an initial immersion into the fundamentals of mediation and mediation advocacy. The course goals are to understand the nature of conflict and principles of conflict management; to develop the oral and written communication skills essential to effective mediation; to evaluate various mediation models and mediator styles; to practice all phases of mediation and the appropriate use of caucusing; to consider policy and ethical implications; to explore dispute design considerations and the deeper dimensions of conflict resolution; and to develop the skills necessary to mediate and represent clients in mediation. The class methodology is highly experiential, with more than half of the class consisting of practice from the perspective of mediator, advocate, and client. The course also includes readings and discussions, brief interactive lectures, and demonstrations. Each student receives individual feedback from the Instructor or another experienced mediator. You are encouraged to apply if you have taken (or are concurrently taking) the basic negotiation class or its equivalent in studies or experience. Elements used in grading: Class participation, attendance at all classes, and assignments. In addition to the regular class schedule, the class will meet 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 10, 2025. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete a Consent Application Form available at SLS Registrar Click SUNetID Login in the top right corner of the page and then click the "Consent Courses" tab. See Consent Application Form for instructions and submission deadline.


Mediation | LAW 7819 Section 01 Class #1135

  • 3 Units
  • Grading: Law Mandatory P/R/F
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent 18
  • Learning Outcomes Addressed:
    • LO2 - Legal Analysis and Reasoning
    • LO4 - Ability to Communicate Effectively in Writing
    • LO5 - Ability to Communicate Orally
    • LO6 - Law Governing Lawyers/Ethical Responsibilities
    • LO7 - Professional Skills
  • Course Category:
    • Miscellaneous Practice-Skills

Past Offerings

Mediation (7819): As law is practiced today, attorneys are far more likely to participate in multiple mediations than trial. Mediation has become the preferred approach to conflict resolution in most states and many parts of the world. With the assistance of a mediator, parties can reach agreements at any stage in a dispute, in some cases avoiding litigation altogether, in other cases agreeing just before trial or when the case is on appeal. The course goals are to understand the nature of conflict and principles of conflict management, to develop the oral and written communication skills essential to effective mediation, to evaluate various mediation models and mediator styles, to practice all of the phases of a mediation and appropriate use of caucus, to consider the policy and ethical implications of the expanding use of mediation, and to develop the skills necessary to represent clients in mediation. The class methodology is highly experiential, with more than half of the class consisting of practice from the perspective of client, advocate and mediator. The course also includes readings and discussions, brief interactive lectures, demonstrations and videotaped sessions. Each student receives individual feedback from an experienced Bay Area mediator and develops skills that will be useful in client development, interviewing, counseling, fact development and legal analysis, negotiation and a variety of contexts beyond mediation. You are encouraged to apply if you have taken (or are concurrently taking) the basic negotiation class or its equivalent in studies or experience. Elements used in grading: Class participation, attendance at all classes, and assignments. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete and submit a Consent Application Form available on the SLS website (Click Courses at the bottom of the homepage and then click Consent of Instructor Forms). See Consent Application Form for instructions and submission deadline.


Mediation | LAW 7819 Section 01 Class #1111

  • 3 Units
  • Grading: Law Mandatory P/R/F
  • 2023-2024 Spring
    Schedule No Longer Available
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent 18
  • Graduation Requirements:
    • EL -Experiential Learning Requirement for Law Deg
  • Learning Outcomes Addressed:
    • LO2 - Legal Analysis and Reasoning
    • LO4 - Ability to Communicate Effectively in Writing
    • LO5 - Ability to Communicate Orally
    • LO6 - Law Governing Lawyers/Ethical Responsibilities
    • LO7 - Professional Skills
  • Course Category:
    • Miscellaneous Practice-Skills

Notes: This class section has been cancelled!

  • 2023-2024 Spring
    Schedule No Longer Available
    This class section has been cancelled!

Mediation (7819): As law is practiced today, attorneys are far more likely to participate in multiple mediations than trial. Mediation has become the preferred approach to conflict resolution in most states and many parts of the world. With the assistance of a mediator, parties can reach agreements at any stage in a dispute, in some cases avoiding litigation altogether, in other cases agreeing just before trial or when the case is on appeal. The course goals are to understand the nature of conflict and principles of conflict management, to develop the oral and written communication skills essential to effective mediation, to evaluate various mediation models and mediator styles, to practice all of the phases of a mediation and appropriate use of caucus, to consider the policy and ethical implications of the expanding use of mediation, and to develop the skills necessary to represent clients in mediation. The class methodology is highly experiential, with more than half of the class consisting of practice from the perspective of client, advocate and mediator. The course also includes readings and discussions, brief interactive lectures, demonstrations and videotaped sessions. Each student receives individual feedback from an experienced Bay Area mediator and develops skills that will be useful in client development, interviewing, counseling, fact development and legal analysis, negotiation and a variety of contexts beyond mediation. You are encouraged to apply if you have taken (or are concurrently taking) the basic negotiation class or its equivalent in studies or experience. Elements used in grading: Class participation, attendance at all classes, and assignments. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete and submit a Consent Application Form available on the SLS website (Click Courses at the bottom of the homepage and then click Consent of Instructor Forms). See Consent Application Form for instructions and submission deadline.


Mediation | LAW 7819 Section 01 Class #31638

  • 3 Units
  • Grading: Law Mandatory P/R/F
  • 2022-2023 Winter
    Schedule No Longer Available
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent 18
  • Graduation Requirements:
    • EL -Experiential Learning Requirement for Law Deg
  • Learning Outcomes Addressed:
    • LO2 - Legal Analysis and Reasoning
    • LO4 - Ability to Communicate Effectively in Writing
    • LO5 - Ability to Communicate Orally
    • LO6 - Law Governing Lawyers/Ethical Responsibilities
    • LO7 - Professional Skills
  • Course Category:
    • Miscellaneous Practice-Skills

  • 2022-2023 Winter
    Schedule No Longer Available
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