Community-Led System Design Practice

This class is the third and final installment of Winter and Spring 2018 classes on Community-Led System Design. It builds on the research and on-site court user data conducted by the previous student teams, and incorporates feedback from our court partner client, to develop final policy recommendations on court innovation models. This concluding practicum will produce a report advising the California Judicial Council on how it can: (1) expand user testing of its services and new self-help technology; (2) establish policy lab partnerships with universities and other outside bodies; and (3) increase its internal capacity for civic innovation.

The research team will survey models of government living labs, policy labs, user testing groups, and other partnerships with universities. They will assess possible models and case studies for the court to consider, and will gather feedback from the client partner about the court’s needs and constraints. The class will build on the research and case studies generated in the Winter and Spring 2018 practicums to formalize findings into a full policy proposal report and client briefing.

The practicum concludes in two parts: (1) a formal presentation to the partner client and other legal services and court stakeholders about innovation models the courts could adopt and (2) an interactive workshop in which stakeholders give feedback and join the practicum team in developing strategies to operationalize recommendations.

Pre-requisites: We strongly encourage applicants to have taken the Winter and/or Spring Quarter class “Community Led System Design Practice.”

See course details
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Clients & Deliverables

