Wellness Cast on Women’s Juvenile Justice Centers

The research team will develop a podcast for WellnessCast, featuring a juvenile justice education program that teaches mindfulness, yoga and art in women’s juvenile detention centers. The podcast includes conversations with a graduate of the program as a teen who now teaches the curriculum, samples of the programs being taught, and discussions of outcome studies. Student researchers will scope the project in close association with WellnessCast anchor, Professor Joe Bankman; they will develop interview protocols and interview stakeholders, situate the program in context of current educational scholarship, write a script for the podcast, and edit the podcast for final airing.

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Deliverable: WellnessCast™ Podcast

Students in the Wellness Cast Practicum sat down with Rocsana Enriquez, a former student and current teacher with the Art of Yoga Project, to discuss her work.

Wellness Cast on Women's Juvenile Justice Centers 1