Human Rights Advocacy and Campaigns
Even as human rights advocacy becomes more sophisticated in its use of social science methods, many human rights groups are finding that the traditional rhetoric about human rights has become less effective in recent years. The client for this project, JustLabs, has held a series of international workshops to develop proposals for how to “bring together experts at storytelling, political strategy, marketing, cognitive/behavioral science and creative campaigning to think hard about the question of both buoying up the human rights movement from within and winning hearts and minds of the public.” Student research teams will work with JustLabs to assess these projects and think creatively about new ways to rejuvenate human rights advocacy.
Students from Law, Communications, Social Psychology, or Business, or those who have taken “Carrots, Sticks, Nudges, and Norms” (Law 7501) are especially encouraged to apply. The class meeting time will be arranged to accommodate students’ schedules. After the term begins, and with the consent of the instructor, students accepted into the course may transfer from Section 01 (2 units) into Section 02 (3 units), which meets the R requirement.
Clients & Deliverables
- Client: JustLabs in Bogota, Colombia
- Deliverables: Client briefing and online toolkit of advocacy resources