The Santa Clara County Litigation & Policy Partnership (SCCLPP)(LAW 807G)

This policy lab partners with the Office of the County Counsel for the County of Santa Clara. Santa Clara County Litigation and Policy Partnership (SCCLPP) students will work with the leadership and deputies of the office on both litigation and policy matters related to urgent local challenges. SCCLPP projects may include issues from a range of fields: environmental protection, consumer protection, criminal justice, land use law, the rights of immigrant residents, public health, and local finance.

The SCCLPP is open only to Stanford Law Students (2L and 3L JD and Advanced Degree students). Students will be admitted by consent, with a preference for those with past coursework or experience in state or local government law, public interest lawyering, and public service generally. The seminar portion of the course meets six afternoons of the quarter from 4:15-6:15, one of which is for final presentations with SCCC attorneys and may, pandemic rules permitting, take place at the SCCC office.

Course Catalog
Consent of Instructor – Application Portal


Clients & Deliverables

Deliverables: Policy memos and oral briefing for client.

In the News

Community Partnership

Community Partnership

Santa Clara County Counsel James Williams and His Team Tackle Big Issues with Help From Stanford Law Students

James R. Williams was not even a year out of law school when he argued the landmark case California Redevelopment Association v. Ana Matosantos before the state’s highest court as a Social Justice and Impact Litigation Fellow with Santa Clara County’s Office of the County Counsel.