Jean Monnet EU Law Student Research Fellowship Program

The Jean Monnet EU Law Student Research Fellowship Program is a complementary program for the European Union Law course (LAW 5005) and for directed student research in EU law. Jean Monnet EU Law Research Fellows are students who write an EU law research paper for R credit. Jean Monnet Fellowships help students to make their EU Law education more and better visible nationally and internationally. The Jean Monnet label serves as the European and international standard for the visibility of high-quality teaching and research in EU law and is the most prestigious label for this kind of study initiatives in academia in Europe and internationally.

The Jean Monnet EU Law Student Research Fellowship Program is hosted by the Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum and supported by its affiliated Jean Monnet Chair of European Union Law.

For more details, please contact Professor Siegfried Fina, Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Law.

Jean Monnet EU Law Research Fellows


Liam Baughman

Research project: Law and Euro-nomics: The Evolving Legal Challenges of the European Central Bank

Larissa Bersh

Research project: An Exceptional Formality: Text and Data Mining’s Evasion of Copyright

Cole Blum

Research project: A Breeding Ground for Surveillance: The European Union’s Legal Framework Surrounding the Deployment and Exportation of Commercial Spyware

Marisa Colon

Research project: The Digital Services Act: How the European Union’s Novel Legislation Can Inform the United States Approach to Platform Regulation

Braden Crimmins

Research project: Governmental Approaches to End-to-End Encryption: A Comparative Perspective

Lilian Dube

Research project: The Corporate Disclosure of Intangible Assets in the European Union and the United States

David Jaffe

Research project: Legal Design Versus Political Decision-Making: Theoretical Perspectives on the Failure of EU Sanctions to Redress Russian Aggression and Islamist Terrorism

Jennifer Lee

Research project: Assessing Adequacy Post-Schrems II: Will the CJEU Strike Down the EU-US Data Privacy Framework?

Nathan May

Research project: The Promise and Pitfalls of Access Commitments in EU Merger Control

Marianne Nader

Research project: A Comparative Analysis of Counterfeit Laws, Structures, and Regulations in the European Union and the United States of America

Sabina Nong

Research project: Legislations Driven by Politics: Comparing data management approaches between EU and China in Ai governance

Jennifer Richards

Research project: Shaping the Future of AI: A Comparative Analysis of EU and US Regulatory Approaches for Data Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, and Liability

Carmen Santiago

Research project: Toward Extraterritorial Merger Control: Examining the Implications of Illumina v. Commission

Aidel Townsley

Research project: The Long-Term Hinderances to European Minority’s Upward Mobility Due to the Current Emphasis on Official Language Promotion without Safeguards


Worabhatra Chantramitra

Reseach project: The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Regulation and its Consistency with Key Obligations Under the WTO

Annie Di

Research project: “ISDS: The Most Toxic Acronym in Europe”: Exploring the Murky Negative Space of the European Union’s Post-Achmea Quagmire

Jason Hoag

Research project: European Media Freedom Act: A Review

Ashley Leon

Research project: The Tipping Point: An Analysis of the EU’s Proposed Regulation to Combat CSAM

Helena Li

Research project: Protection from the Internal Market – Consumer Protection in the Free Movement of Goods and Competition Law

David Mollenkamp

Research project: National Security, Privacy, and Possible Alterations in the Court of Justice of the European Union’s Case Law in Respect to the Spyware Surveillance Crisis

Tanisha Mugiwmi

Research project: European Antitrust Law and Sustainability: Current limitations and potential benefits of European Commission guidance and anticompetitive policies on developing European sustainability

George Muirhead

Research project: On the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights

Samantha Potter

Research project: Approaching Harmonization: Examining the European Union’s Efforts to Create a Common EU Space Law and Assessing its Potential Legal Foundations

Rebecca Sadock

Research project: LGBTI Rights Under the European Union Legal Regime

Jessica Shin

Research project: Third-Party Litigation Funding (“TPLF”): A Comparison Between the European Union’s and Australia’s Current Regulatory Framework

Antar Thiam

Research project: A German national’s illegal rendition, and the insights into, and critiques of EU law that it elicits

Samuel Wallace-Perdomo

Research project: The Incompatibility of the Energy Charter Treaty With EU Law: Komstroy and Reforming Investment Arbitration Mechanisms

Matthew Wigler

Research project: Can the European Union Effectively Protect the Rule of Law in its Member States?: Evaluating Enforcement Tools in the Context of Poland and Hungary


Haley Chow

Research project: An Analysis of UEFA’s Homegrown Players Rule by Applying the Covert Discrimination Principle

Victoria Fang

Research project: A Patent Exception to the EU Official Languages: Linguistic Nationalism and Political Compromise Toward a Unitary Patent System

Aaron Franklin

Research project: Direct Causation in EU State Aid Law

Sydney Kirlan-Stout

Research project: Poland: Sovereignty, Supremacy and the Rule of Law

Josh LaFianza

Research project: Threatening Ill-Gotten Gains: Analyzing the Effectiveness of a Forced Labor Import Ban in the European Union

Sarah Lee

Research project: Repairing the Data Privacy Shield: Navigating Between Privacy and Surveillance – Reconciling the EU and US Approach?

Dennis J. Poehland

Research project: Sustainable Finance: Regulatory Approaches to ESG Disclosures in the European Union and the United States

Michael Rover

Research project: Frontex: EU Security Cooperation or an Institution Built for Refoulement?

Jacqueline Schaeffer

Research project: Rethinking the Playing Field: Can the European Union’s Proposed Regulation on Foreign Subsidies Serve as a Blueprint for WTO Reform?

Sarah Smith

Research project: The Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management in the EU: A Step Toward Solidarity

Caro Sundermeyer

Research project: The U.S. and EU May Agree But Could There Be a Schrems III?: A Preliminary Exploration of the Potential Adequacy of the New Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework

Glen Williams

Research project: A Close Examination  of the Digital Markets Act


Jonathan Ballo

Research project: The Ties That Bind: The Likelihood and Legality of an Exit by a Eurozone Member State and Its Consequences for Bank Loans Denominated in Euros

Nitisha Baronia

Research project: Glawischnig-Piesczek, European Takedown Orders, and American Law

Elena Goldstein

Research project: Litigating Government Use of Facial Recognition Technology in Europe

Thomas William Lopez

Research project: San Marino: Navigating the European Union as a Microstate

Drew Musto

Research project: Free Movement of Judgments: The EU’s “Fifth Freedom” in Transatlantic Comparison

Patrick Ntchobo

Research project: The Drama of the Irish Backstop

Tim Rosenberger

Research project: The European Union, the United Kingdom, and Their Migrant Remittance Flow: A Comparative Law Approach for Refining Law and Policy

Tom Westpahl David

Research project: Does Having an Affirmative Right to Vote Matter?: Comparing Elector Qualification Laws in the European Union and the United States

Camille Woodbury

Research project: The EU’s Approach to Taxation of the Digital Economy


David Kwabena Adu-Kusi

Research project: A Reconsideration of the Implication of Slovak Republic v Achmea BV for Bilateral Investment Treaties

Paloma Alcantara

Research project: Analysis of the Mexican Competition Leniency Program in the Light of EU Law

Juan Miguel Alvarez Contreras

Research project: How Innovative Is the Purportedly Innovative EU’s Proposal for an Investment Court System: A Comparison Between ICS and Traditional Investor-State Dispute Settlement

Justin Olivier Bryant

Research project: The Impacts of the GDPR on Africa

Young Joo Cho

Research project: The Doctrine of Direct Effect in EU Law: A Comparative Analysis of EU, US, and Korean Law

Macey Lauren Olave

Research project: Should There Be a Class Action System in the European Union?: Lessons From the United States

Tyler Donovan Robbins

Research project: The Justification, Consequences, and Controversy of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market’s Article 17

Laura Joan Sussman

Research project: An Analysis of the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme

Abigail Lynn Thompson

Research project: The European Union and the New Wild West: A Survey of the Arctic Resources Race and the European Union’s Place Within It

Alice Wang

Research project: Comitology and the Democratic Deficit: An Assessment of the Lisbon Reforms


Bryan Casey

Research project: The Next Chapter in the GDPR’s “Right to Explanation” Debate and What It Means for Algorithms in Enterprise

Earl Joyce Rivera Dolera

Research project: Achmea culpa  Has the Bubble Burst for Intra-EU Investor-State Arbitration?

Hidehiko Hokoi

Research project: Corporate Governance Framework under the EU and Japanese Laws in Relation to the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

Research project: Japanese Policy in Relation to the Multilateral Investment Court System: Should Japan Participate in the International Court System of the European Union?

Katherine Kelsh

Research project: Digital Rights as Children’s Human Rights: The Conflict Between the Article 8 of the European General Data Protection Regulation and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Jacob Lundqvist

Research project: Screening Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union: Prospects for a “Multispeed” Framework

Lloyd Lyall

Research project: Guardian of the Treaties: The European Commission’s Prioritization of EU Law Enforcement through the Infringement Procedure

Matthew Mainen

Research project: The European Union’s Two-Tiered System for Blacklisting Terrorist Organizations

Emily Pehrsson

Research project: The Meaning of the GDPR Article 22

Tomer Treger

Research project: The Decline of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System? Analyzing the European Union’s Case for a New International Investment Court


Cathrina Altimari-Brown

Research project: Asylum in the European Union: International and EU Law and the Common European Asylum System

Victoria Cadiz

Research project: How Did We End Up Here? An explanation of the European Union in 2017 through an analysis of federalism, neofunctionalism, and intergovernmentalism and the proposal of an amended European integration theory

Yucheng Fan

Research project: Are Language Proficiency Requirements for Taxi Drivers Lawful? A Comparative Study of the European Union and the United States?

Rachel Frank

Research project: Religious Liberty and Mass Expulsion in the European Union

Matt Getz

Research project: Freedom of Religion in Pluralistic Societies: A Comparative Examination of Religious Liberty in the United States and Europe

Hiroki Habuka

Research project: Designing Dispute Settlement Mechanism Under International Economic Agreements Based on the European Union’s Recent Innovations

Natalie Karl

Research project: A Comparison Between Personal Data Breach Notification Requirements Under the General Data Protection Regulation in the European Union and California Laws

Jacob Lundqvist

Research project: Signed, Sealed, (Justice) Delivered? E-Signature Law and Consumer Protection Within the European Union

Mirena Taskova

Research project: The Open Road to Personal Data: Implementing the EU’s New Data Portability Right


Claire Chapla

Research project: Regulating the Sharing Economy in the European Union: The Case of Uber and the Freedom to Provide Services

Kimberly Larkin

Research project: Divergent Duties: Complementarity and Crisis in the ECJ’s and ECtHR’s Approaches “Safe Third Country” Legislation within the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal

Antoni Terra

Research project: End-User License Agreements and Their Restrictions on the Resale of Digital Goods: An EU-U.S. Comparative Analysis on Copyright, Antitrust, and Consumer Protection Issues and Law & Economics Policy Discussion on Introducing the Digital First Sale Doctrine

Laura Vittet-Adamson

Research project: Protecting Privacy Through Invalidation: How European Courts have approached European and extraterritorial data privacy

Mengyi Xu

Research project: Legal Uncertainty by Design: Privacy Shield as Catalyst for the Convergence of Data Protection Rules to the GDPR European Gold Standard

Grace Zhou

Research project: Taming the Common Law Chimera? How the EU’s Accession to the ECHR Will Affect the Evolution of Fundamental Rights


Erin Cho

Research project: EU Asylum Law for Unaccompanied Minors

Grace Chuchla

Research project: The European Union and the Right to be Forgotten: A Comparative Analysis of EU and U.S. Privacy Law

Alvaro Fomperosa Rivero

Research project: Right to be Forgotten in the ECJ’s Google Spain Case: the Right Balance of Privacy Rights, Procedure, and Extraterritoriality

Travis Robertson

Research project: Comparative Analysis of the Legal Environment in the European Union and the United States Governing the Practice on Online Behavioral Advertising

Laura Vittet-Adamson

Research project: The European Court of Justice and East African Court of Justice: a Comparative Study

Christopher Zanetis

Research project: Towards Harmony or Dissonance? Transatlantic Rethinking of Data Privacy Protection and the Future of Regulatory Compliance


Jose Aleman

Research project: Transatlantic Coordination of Financial Regulatory Reform: The Case of OTC Derivatives Regulation

Susie Choi

Research project: An Evaluation of the EU Takeover Directive (Thirteenth Directive) Through the Lens of the Harmonization Process

Anna Zeiter

Research project: The New General Data Protection Regulation of the EU and Its Impact on IT Companies in the U.S.


Jose Aleman

Research project: Systemic Risk, Fragmented Power: The Unfinished Business of Financial Regulatory Reform in the European Union

Jeremy Bearer-Friend

Research project: The Role of the European Union in Combating Tax Base Erosion by U.S. Multinationals: Amending the Parent-Subsidiary Directive and the Savings Directive

Elizabeth Do

Research project: Comparison of Law Relating to Abuse of Dominant Position or Monopoly Power in the European Union and United States

Alan Fishman

Research project: Finding Value in the EU-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Establishing Transatlantic Institutions for Regulatory Harmonization and Adjudication

Christopher Skelton

Research project: Marks of Difference: Contrasting Trademark Law in the European Union and in the United States

Emily Speak

Research project: The European Commission’s Role in WTO Negotiations

Andy Stevenson

Research project: Competition in the European Union Natural Gas Sector: Progress to Date and Implications for Gazprom

Lorraine Weekes

Research project: Towards a More European European Union: The Constitutive Relationship between EU Law and the Cultures of Member States and its Implications for EU Governance and Legitimacy


Jeremy Bearer-Friend

Research project: A New Path Towards Tax Harmonization in the European Union: A Prospective Analysis of the Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act’s Effect on EU Tax Policy

Annie Bersagel

Research project: Norway’s Planned Reservation of the Third European Postal Directive and the Future of the European Economic Agreement

Elizabeth Espinosa

Research project: The European Sovereign Debt Crisis: How the EU Legal Structure Limits and Shapes Responses

Lucy Haley

Research project: The Challenges to Lawmaking With Respect to Highly Qualified Immigrants: A Comparison of the European Union and United States

Rob Swanson

Research project: Implementing the EU Unified Patent Court: Lessons from the Federal Circuit


Michael Austin

Research project: A Vigilant Watchdog or a Paper Tiger? An Analysis of the Application of EU State Aid Controls to Bank Bailouts During the Financial Crisis

Gina Di Domenico

Research project: Criminal Law in the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities

Jamie Kendall

Research project: EU and U.S. Competition Law and the Essential Facilities Doctrine: The Comparative Viability of IP Rights as a Defense to Allegations of Abuse of a Dominant Position

Julia Kropp

Research project: Senator Kerry’s Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights: Will the U.S. Follow in the Path of EU Data Privacy Regulations? Should it?

Catherine Morris

Research project: EU and U.S. Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies: The Particular Problems of Transparency and Conflicts of Interest, and a Look to the Future Position of CRAs

Ragnheidur Olafsdottir

Research project: The European Union’s Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis

Andrew Schupanitz

Research project: “Creating Europe”: The History of European Integration and the Changing Role of EU Competition Law


Michael Austin

Research project: Style or Substance? An Analysis of the Major Reforms to CFSP by the Treaty of Lisbon

Richard Barbour II

Research project: The European Commission’s Merger Proceedings: Legal Framework and Merger Analysis

Aaron Kleven

Research project: Facing the Financial Crisis: For a More Secure Future, the European Union Must Expand its Supranational Powers

Nicholas Reed

Research project: From GE/Honeywell to Oracle/Sun: A Comparative Analysis of EU and U.S. Merger Regimes as Relates to Mergers between U.S. Based Companies