Support Resources

The SLS Office of Student Affairs is available to help law students navigating hardship, including personal or academic issues. If you are experiencing any kind of hardship, please reach out so we can help connect you to resources at SLS, on campus, and beyond. Below is a sample of the resources available to assist law students. Be sure to check out our Wellness@SLS page for additional resources.

Academic Advising

Sarah Brim, Director of Academic Success, is available for academic and bar exam advising, as well as individual counseling to assist students with academic skills-building. Sarah can be reached at

Campus Resources

Well-Being at Stanford features resources that connect students to immediate help, health and wellness, and communities of support. Resources for faculty, staff and families are also featured.

Classroom Issues

If you encounter issues within the classroom and are uncomfortable contacting the instructor directly, contact John W. Dalton, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, at

Disability Accommodations

The Law School does not determine or approve accommodations. Students needing accommodations must register with Stanford’s Office of Accessible Education (OAE), provide supporting documentation justifying the need, and meet with an OAE staff member who will determine appropriate accommodations after reviewing required documentation. The Law School Office of Student Affairs implements accommodations approved by OAE. If you have questions about this process, please reach out to Holly Parrish. Holly serves as the support person for law students with disabilities.

Exam Emergencies

Emergency exam rescheduling is possible. Contact John W. Dalton, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, at or Alberto Martin, Registrar, (650) 725.0147,, before the exam is scheduled to begin. Further exam information is available in the Student Handbook or on the Student Affairs web page. Students should not contact instructors directly for emergency exam rescheduling.

Financial Hardship

The university has financial support programs in place for graduate students experiencing financial hardship. In addition, the law school’s Opportunity Fund provides support as well.

Grade Disputes

If you question a particular grade, the first thing to do is contact the instructor who gave you that grade. If, after that, you still feel the grade was unwarranted, you may file a grade grievance pursuant to Stanford’s Student Academic Grievance Procedure. That procedure can be found in the SLS Student Handbook and at

Honor Code/Fundamental Standard

John W. Dalton, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, can answer many questions about the Honor Code and the Fundamental Standard. You may also contact the Office of Community Standards at (650) 725.2485.

Housing Issues

If you have roommate or other housing issues, contact your residence office or the Graduate Life Office.

Mental Health Resources

Please see our Wellness@SLS page for a full list of wellness resources.


The University Ombuds Office is a confidential resource for students, faculty, and staff to assist in resolving conflicts. An Ombuds can be reached at or (650) 497.1542. For more information, visit

Personal Issues

John W. Dalton, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, can provide advice and perspective. He can be reached at In addition, Holly Parrish, Director for Student Affairs, is available to counsel students. Holly can be reached at (650) 725.0764, or

Substance Use and Abuse

Please see our Wellness@SLS page, which includes resources for disordered coping.

Sexual Assault/Harassment and Domestic Violence

The SHARE (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Education) Title IX Office is the University’s central resource for redressing and preventing sexual harassment and violence issues experienced by all Stanford community members. Formed in September of 2020, the SHARE Title IX Office brings together in collaboration the teams of the former Title IX, SHPO, and SARA Offices. The YWCA Stanford Rape Crisis Hotline is available 24 hours a day at (650) 725.9955.