I have the pleasure of participating today (in just a few hours) in a conference at Stanford Law School, sponsored by the Stanford Constitutional Law Center – headed by my old friend, the illustrious Professor and former Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Michael W. McConnell. The conference’s theme is “A Big Fix: Should We Amend Our Constitution?” Conference attendees were invited to propose big-deal proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Change something in a major way! Correct some serious misfire in the U.S. Constitution! Correct a long-simmering problem! Repair something you think the framers got badly wrong! Go wild! Indulge your fantasies! Fix the Constitution!
The conference’s theme is “A Big Fix: Should We Amend Our Constitution?” Conference attendees were invited to propose big-deal proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Change something in a major way! Correct some serious misfire in the U.S. Constitution! Correct a long-simmering problem! Repair something you think the framers got badly wrong! Go wild! Indulge your fantasies! Fix the Constitution!
The conference features a great cast of characters, including some of the leading constitutional thinkers of the nation’s law schools: Mary Anne Case, Jane Schacter, Randy Barnett, Laura Donohue, Sandy Levinson, Amy Wax, Michael Greve, Jamal Greene, Richard Pildes, Michael Ramsey, Sai Prakash, Elizabeth Foley, Russ Feingold, George Thomas, Will Howell, Zephyr Teachout, Roman Buhler, Ruth Wedgwood, along with fellows of the Stanford Constitutional Law Center and several Stanford Law School students.
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