Ending Patent Wars Will Be A Huge Boon To The Tech Industry


Publish Date:
March 10, 2016
Tech Crunch
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Earlier this month, Apple suffered an important legal defeat in its battle over patents with Samsung.

It’s good because Apple’s claims were frivolous; its patents were questionable; and its use of litigation to hold back a competitor set another wrong precedent for the industry.

My colleague, Stanford Law School professor Mark Lemley says that when used correctly, patents can be valuable because they generate real technology transfer.

“In this case, they’ve spent years, countless court resources, and literally over one billion dollars in attorney and expert fees to produce a net fee award of $158,400—and ironically, this went to Samsung,” Lemley says.

He notes that in an earlier case, Apple won a significant amount of money that it may or may not get to keep depending on what the Supreme Court rules. “Other than that, not much has changed as a result of the lawsuit”, he concludes.

In a new paper, “Patent Licensing, Technology Transfer, & Innovation”, that Lemley co-authored with Robin Feldman of University of California Hastings, the key finding was that patents are only useful when they deliver innovation to consumers that they would not otherwise get.

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