Hero In Tennessee Church Shooting Proves Guns Could Reduce Crime, Expert Says


Publish Date:
September 26, 2017
Fox News
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Robert Caleb Engle, 22, did what few would under the circumstances. Though unarmed, he confronted a gunman who randomly opened fire during Sunday services at Nashville’s Burnette Chapel Church of Christ.

As the two struggled, the gunman pistol-whipped Engle, then wounded himself in the chest, giving time for Engle, who has a right to carry permit, to run outside and fetch his own weapon.

A more recent paper by Stanford University Law Professor John Donohue finds concealed carry, “substantially elevates violent crime rates, but seems to have no impact on property crime and murder rates.”

“It does seem to be the case that if you allow anyone to carry a concealed weapon, you’re going to pay a higher price for increased violent crime,” Donohue told Fox News.

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