Super Patent Trolls, Bottom Feeders Among New Classes Of Nonpracticing Entities


Publish Date:
June 25, 2012
Electronic Commerce and Law Report - BNA
Related Organization(s):


The 9th Annual E-Commerce Best Practices Conference was featured in the following BNA report. Joyce E. Cutler covered the event:

The growing number and cost of nonpracticing entity litigation plus increased strategic patent purchasing are among the trends in intellectual property, panelists at a Stanford University Law School e-commerce conference said June 18.

In 2009, 117 NPE suits were filed, including filings by inventors and operating companies litigating outside their core operating activities, according to RPX Corp. In 2010, 163 cases were filed; last year, 325. The number of defendants rose from 325 in 2009 to 1,137 in 2011.