Broken Promises: Larry Krasner and the Continuation of Pretrial Punishment in Philadelphia


This Article assesses Krasner’s bail reform actions to date from the local, on-the-ground perspective of the Philadelphia Bail Fund, a community-based organization dedicated to ending pretrial punishment in Philadelphia. We recognize that Krasner lacks the power to unilaterally end cash bail and pretrial detention in Philadelphia. Despite these limitations, however, Krasner has substantial power to fundamentally transform Philadelphia’s grotesque practice of caging people pretrial solely based on their poverty – most notably through prosecutorial discretion over requests for cash bail. However, he has introduced minimal reforms, and his office continues to regularly request unaffordable bail amounts for arrestees in Philadelphia. While many journalists, academics, and activists have praised Krasner’s record on bail, this essay provides a more critical assessment. It seeks to lend a voice to the suffering that we see every day in Philadelphia as a result of bail and, in so doing, highlight the inadequacy of Krasner’s actions to date as compared with his campaign promises.


Stanford University Stanford, California
  • Neal and Matthias, Broken Promises: Larry Krasner and the Continuation of Pretrial Punishment in Philadelphia, 16 Stan. J. C.R. & C.L. 543 (2021)