California Should Confront Looming Thorny Issues Now: Grow Your Own Marijuana Law


  • Robert MacCoun
Publish Date:
October 26, 2014
Publication Title:
San Francisco Chronicle, October 26, 2014, p.F6.
Op-Ed or Opinion Piece
  • Robert MacCoun, California Should Confront Looming Thorny Issues Now: Grow Your Own Marijuana Law, San Francisco Chronicle, October 26, 2014, p.F6.


There’s a good chance that California will legalize marijuana in the coming years. Whether you like the idea of California legalizing marijuana or you don’t, everyone who cares should pay attention to the choices. November 2016 is two years away, but voter propositions start solidifying far sooner, and it will be too late to negotiate the details once one qualifies for the ballot. It is possible that marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington will prove to be no big deal. Marijuana use was a lot more common in 1979, the historical peak of use, than it is today, so some increase in use is well within our historical experience. But that was milder weed, promoted by black light posters and stoner comedians rather than a major tobacco-like industry. So we have a lot to think about.