It’s Not a Women’s Problem; It’s a Business Problem


Publish Date:
August 23, 2016
Publication Title:
Daily Journal
Op-Ed or Opinion Piece
  • Lucy Ricca, It’s Not a Women’s Problem; It’s a Business Problem, Daily Journal, August 23 2016.
Related Organization(s):


From the article:

The challenges to increasing the retention and advancement of women in national law firms are complex – multilayered and entrenched structural impediments weave into deep-seated cultural mindsets and biases.

In fact, the lack of change for women in elite firms is directly tied to the structure and culture of the firms themselves. The firms – how they are organized and how they conduct and monetize their services – are the problem. The current business and cultural model of elite law firms, particularly as it is focused around the billable hour and a rigid hierarchical structure, makes meaningful advancement for women and other minorities extremely difficult. …[M]any of the prevailing approaches … are not successful because they are, effectively, small fixes at the edges which don’t touch the central structural and cultural problem.


What will be successful, as we have learned from other business sectors, are clearly articulated and focused efforts targeted at central points of power.

We are, perhaps, at a moment in time when these fundamental changes are actually possible.

Law firms need to move away from the billable hour.
