Robert L. Rabin

- A. Calder Mackay Professor of Law
- Room N363, Neukom Building
- Privacy Law
- Regulatory Policy
- Torts
An expert on torts and legislative compensation schemes, Robert L. Rabin is highly regarded for his extensive knowledge of the history and institutional dynamics of accident law. He is a prolific author on issues relating to the functions of the tort system and alternative regulatory schemes and is the co-editor of a classic casebook on tort law.
Professor Rabin has served as advisor on the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the Law (Third) of Torts (2012), and Restatement of the Law (Third) of Products Liability (1998). He was also the program director for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Program on Tobacco Policy Research and Evaluation, as well as a co-reporter for the American Law Institute Project on Compensation and Liability for Product and Process Injuries, and reporter for the American Bar Association Action Commission to Improve the Tort Liability System.
Professor Rabin received the William Prosser Award for Scholarship, Teaching and Service from the Association of American Law Schools Torts and Compensation Section (2008), and the Robert B. McKay Award from the American Bar Association for Contributions to Torts and Insurance Fields (1997). He has been a member of the Stanford Law School faculty since 1970.
- BS Northwestern University 1960
- JD Northwestern University School of Law 1963
- PhD (Political Science) The Graduate School at Northwestern University 1967
Related Organizations
Affiliations & Honors
- Member, Editorial Board, Foundation Press
- Member, Editorial Board, Tort Law Review
- Member, Advisory Committee, Restatement of the Law, Third, Torts: General Principles
- Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Tort Law, Berkeley Electronic Press
Key Works
Faculty on Point | Professor Robert Rabin on Tort Liability
Stand Alone Emotional Harm: Old Wine in New Bottles
This history shows the length and breadth of tort’s concern for non-physical injury; it neatly refutes the canard that tort has limited itself to body and property. That alone, coming from Rabin, should afflict the comfortable. But he is not content to simply offer an alternate history of psychic harms…
Read More : Stand Alone Emotional Harm: Old Wine in New Bottles