Table of Contents

Summer ’03
Issue 66/Vol. 37/No. 3

From the Dean

Cover Story

A Litigator for Troubled Times
The rise of Nicki Locker ’83 heralds a new era in defending companies against securities fraud charges. Credibility is the name of the game.


Some Rights Reserved
To many, © means “Do not copy or share!” Is there an alternative for artists who don’t want to restrict such free distribution? A new nonprofit, Creative Commons, has an answer.

A Tort Story
Landmark laws come from the strangest places. In an excerpt from Robert L. Rabin’s new book, Tort Stories, he describes how two uninspired lawyers, some far-reaching justices, and a treacherous bathroom sink made unlikely legal history.

Graduation 2003
Commencement was cause for celebration but also intense reflection: graduates will be entering the profession at a time when many see the rule of law as a luxury.

In Brief

Alumni and School News

What a Doll! The Chief Justice as a bobblehead

Cites: Quotes from Stanford Lawyer and Friends

Building Bridges: A promising partnership between East Palo Alto and the Law School

Goldilocks Walks: No Jail time for Eating Porridige