Deborah L. Rhode Center on the Legal Profession

Stanford Law Professor Deborah L. Rhode (1952-2021)

The Stanford Center on the Legal Profession (CLP) has been renamed the Deborah L. Rhode Center on the Legal Profession after founder and prominent legal ethics scholar, Deborah L. Rhode, who passed away in early 2021. Rhode, who was the Ernest W. McFarland Professor of Law at Stanford, established the CLP in 2008 to advance the legal profession through original research, advocacy, teaching, and public programs. As part of her legacy, Rhode’s estate generously donated funds to help endow the center and its ongoing work. Members of the CLP Advisory Forum and other friends of the center also contributed to ensure that the center can continue to advance Rhode’s priorities and values.

“Throughout her life, Deborah dedicated her talent, time, and inexhaustible scholastic focus to bettering lawyers and the legal profession, and now her generous legacy will continue that work for years to come,” says Jenny Martinez, the Richard E. Lang Professor of Law and Dean of Stanford Law School. For more, go to SL