Stanford’s OUTLAW Wins ABA’s Highest Law School Honor for Diversity

Stanford’s OUTLAW Wins ABA’s Highest Law School Honor for Diversity

OUTLAW, Stanford Law School’s organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals and supporters, was recently awarded the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Henry J. Ramsey Award for Diversity. The award recognizes OUTLAW’s efforts over the past year to promote diversity both at the law school and outside of it. Students in OUTLAW were busy this year, having staged a successful protest of military recruitment on campus and organized petition drives for marriage equality and against the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. OUTLAW also initiated and/or contributed to several high-profile legal actions affecting LGBT students, including a Freedom of Information Act request to the Pentagon demanding that records related to its covert Threat and Local Observation Notice surveillance program be released as far as they pertain to university student groups. The organization and its co-chairs, Spencer Jones ’07 and Michael Angelo ’07, were nominated for the award by Associate Dean for Student Affairs Cathy Glaze ‘85 (BA ‘80) and Stanford’s ABA representative Steven Jones ’07.