I often speak and write about how dreadful most legal-related press releases are and why it’s so important to send the right messages and images. I preach the importance of crisp, clear, jargon-free press releases that avoid hyperbole and grandstanding.

This below announcement is one of the best I have ever seen: it’s in plain English, with an engaging image and excellent use of black and white, with a spice of blue. The company’s information is clearly and gracefully presented. The press release is elegant, easy to read and fresh—with a hint of being long-established. Wow!

Keep a copy of this press release—and use it as inspiration when you need to announce news about your startups! Congratulations to my former colleage at ALM, Ken Gary, and to Baretz + Brunelle’s excellent team.

Whine & Wine



Want more advice?
Part 1: “How to Guarantee Your Startup Won’t Get News Media Attention.”  http://stanford.io/1PUSqy8

Part 2: Dangerous Demos: http://stanford.io/1Q4oD9O

Part 3: “How to [Not] Alienate Journalists.”  http://stanford.io/1Qgo4pO







Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and freelance journalist and analyst. She is a member of the California bar. Email: mbay@codex.stanford.edu. Twitter: @MonicaBay

Press release and photo used with permission.
Cover image: Clipart.com