CodeX Meeting: Aug. 15
I turn the mic over to Dr. Roland Vogl, Executive Director of CodeX —The Stanford Center for Legal Informations. —Monica Bay.
Hi Everyone,
Our next CodeX meeting is this Thursday (Aug. 15), from 1:30 Pacific Time to 2:30 PT, in Room N112 of the Neukom Building of Stanford Law School .
Our guests will be:
Michael Guirguis, Founder & CEO, Seso. Seso is a labor marketplace for seasonal workers that automates the H-2A visa process to lower the cost of matching U.S farms with experienced foreign workers. Seso plans to expand its marketplace to include H-2B visas for construction, forestry, and other seasonal industries.
Francesco Sovrano, PhD student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna. Mr. Sovrano’s project applies machine learning, natural language understanding, and XAI to legal documents to provide justice system stakeholders such as lawyers and judges meaningful, contextualized explanations of decision processes and data.
See you then!
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Monica Bay is a Fellow at CodeX and a freelance journalist. Email: