CodeX Meeting: May 7th, 2020
Hi Everyone,
Our next CodeX group meeting is this Thursday (May 7), from 1.30p to 2.30p PT via Zoom. Please note that this meeting is *virtual only,* and that all speakers will present remotely.
Our guests will be:
Masha Medvedeva, PhD candidate, University of Groningen. Ms. Medvedeva discusses her research, which is focused on automatic prediction of court decisions using machine learning. Her discussion uses the European Court of Human Rights as an example and demonstrates the potential and limitations of various machine learning methods.
Ludwig Bull, CEO, CourtCorrect. CourtCorrect tells users what’s in the terms and conditions and contracts that people tend to automatically accept, as well as helps users keep their contracts all in one place, and keep track of what they’ve signed.
CodeX Fellows Michael Schmitz and Riyanka Roy Choudhury, and Reuben Youngblom, members, CodeX Blockchain Group. The group’s RegTrax seeks to open avenues for communication and learning among policymakers, technologists, and academics through discussion forums and educational repositories.
See you then!