Stanford Law and History Courses

2024-2025 Courses

SLS Courses

Constitutional Law, Prof. Elizabeth Reese, Autumn & Winter Quarter 

Constitutional Law, Prof. Evelyn Douek, Autumn & Winter Quarter 

Constitutional Law, Prof. Michael McConnell, Autumn & Winter Quarter 

Constitutional Law: The Fourteenth Amendment, Prof. Richard Thompson Ford, Autumn & Winter Quarter 

Discussion (1L): Criminal Legal Histories, Prof. George Fisher,  Autumn Quarter

Discussion (1L): Law and Borders, Prof. Jennifer Chacon,  Autumn Quarter

Discussion (1L): Remedying Colonialism in U.S. Law, Prof. Greg Ablavsky,  Autumn Quarter

Originalism and the American Constitution: History and Interpretation, Prof. Jonathan Gienapp, Autumn Quarter

Federal Indian Law, Prof. Greg Ablavsky,  Winter Quarter

Law and Disorder, Profs. Emily Galvin-Almanza and David Mills, Winter Quarter

Critical Race Theory, Prof. Ralph Richard Banks, Spring Quarter

Disability Law, Prof. Rabia Belt, Spring Quarter

Gender, Law, and Public Policy, Prof. Joanna Grossman, Spring Quarter

Non-SLS Classes 

POLICSCI 314D: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Prof. Kathryn Stoner, Autumn Quarte

ETHICSOC 171: Justice, Prof. Brian Coyne Autumn Quarter

OBGYN 216: Current Issues in Reproductive Health, Prof. Maurice Druzin, Winter Quarter

COMM 116: Journalism Law, Prof. James Wheaton, Winter Quarter

SOC 249: Urban Underclass, Prof. Michael Rosenfeld, Winter & Spring Quarter

Past Courses

Amending the U.S. Constitution, Prof. Russell Feingold, Spring Quarter

American Constitutional History from the Civil War to the War on Poverty, Prof. Michele Dauber, Autumn Quarter

American Legal Profession, Prof. Robert Gordon, Spring Quarter

Ancient Inequalities, Profs. Ian Morris and Walter Scheidel, Autumn Quarter

Artists, Athletes, Courtesans, and Crooks, Prof. Jody Maxmin, Autumn Quarter

Asian Americans and the Law, Prof. Daniel Ho, Autumn Quarter

Blood and Money: The Origins of Antisemitism, Prof. Rowan Dorin, Autumn Quarter

Carceral Borders,  Prof. Jennifer Chacon, Autumn Quarter

Civil Rights Movement in History and Memory, Prof. James Campbell, Autumn Quarter

Colonial and Revolutionary America, Prof. Jack Rakove, Autumn Quarter

Comparative Approaches to Law and Inequality, Prof. Amalia Kessler, Autumn Quarter

Constitutional Crises from the Founding to the Present, Prof. William Simon, Winter Quarter

Constitutional Law, Prof. Jud Campbell, Winter Quarter

Constitutional Law, Prof. Bernadette Meyler, Winter Quarter

Constitutional Law: The Fourteenth Amendment, Prof. Ralph Richard Banks, Autumn Quarter

Constitutional Law: The Fourteenth Amendment, Prof. Jane S. Schacter, Spring Quarter

Constitutional Law, Profs. Jenny Martinez, Bernadette Meyler, and Anne Joseph O’Connell, Winter Quarter

Creation of the Constitution, Prof. Michael McConnell, Spring Quarter

Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe and Russia, Prof. Nancy Kollmann, Winter Quarter

Criminal Legal Histories, Prof. George Fisher, Autumn Quarter

Critical Race Theory, Prof. Ralph Richard Banks, Spring Quarter

Disability Law, Prof. Rabia Belt, Spring Quarter

Discussion (1L): Asian Americans Justice Struggles, Prof. Diane Chin Prof. Shirin Sinnar,  Autumn Quarter

Discussion (1L): Reflecting on Red Power: 50 Years After Alcatraz, Prof. Elizabeth Reese,  Autumn Quarter

Discussion (1L): Why is the USA Exceptional — In Crime and Punishment?, Prof. Robert Weisberg,  Autumn Quarter

Doing Legal History, Profs. Jonathan Gienapp and Rowan Dorin, Winter Quarter

Dress Codes: Law, Status, Sex, and Power, Prof. Richard Ford, Autumn Quarter

Federal Indian Law, Prof. Greg Ablavsky, Winter Quarter

From Gold Rush to Google Bus: History of San Francisco, Prof. Michael Kahan, Spring Quarter

Gender, Law, and Public Policy, Prof. Joanna Grossman, Winter Quarter

History of American Law, Prof. Lawrence Friedman, Winter Quarter

History of Civil Rights Law, Prof. Rabia Belt, Spring Quarter

History of Criminal Justice, Prof. Lawrence Friedman, Winter Quarter

History of the Police in the United States, Branden Adams, Spring Quarter

History of Prisons and Immigration Detention, Prof. Ana Raquel Minian, Autumn Quarter

History of Surveillance, Prof. Colleen Anderson, Autumn Quarter

How to Start Your Own Country: Sovereignty and State-Formation in Modern History, Prof. Steven Press, Autumn Quarter

Human Rights in Historical Perspective, Prof. David Cohen, Spring Quarter

Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives, Profs. Katherine Jolluck, Beth Van Schaak, and Rebecca Walker, Autumn Quarter

Immigration, Citizenship, and Rights, Prof. Jennifer Chacon, Autumn Quarter

Introduction to Disability Studies and Disability Rights, Prof. Doron Dorfman, Winter Quarter

Is there an American Legal Canon?, Prof. Aziz Huq, Autumn Quarter

Law and Culture in American Fiction, Ticien Sassoubre, Autumn Quarter

Law and Disorder, Prof. David Mills, Winter Quarter

Law and Disorder, Profs. Emily Galvin-Almanza and David Mills, Winter Quarter

Law and Empire in U.S. History, Prof. Gregory Ablavsky, Spring Quarter

Law and Humanities Workshop: History, Literature, and Philosophy, Profs. Amalia Kessler and Bernadette Meyler, Winter Quarter

Law and the Rhetorical Tradition, Prof.  Ticien Sassoubre

Law in Early China, Prof. Martin Lewis, Winter Quarter

Law, Religion, and Society in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Profs. Rowan Dorin & Maureen Miller (UCBerkeley), Winter Quarter

Legal History Workshop, Prof. Robert Gordon and Prof. Amalia Kessler, Winter Quarter

Legal Studies Workshop, Profs. Bernadette Meyler and David Sklansky, Autumn Quarter

Legal History: Research Seminar in Legal Biography, Prof. Robert Gordon, Spring Quarter

LGBT/Queer Life in the United States, Spring Quarter

LGBTQ in Russia: A Legal History, Autumn Quarter

Modern American History: From Civil Rights to Human Rights, Prof. Clayborne Carson

Native Nation Building, Prof. Karen Biestman, Winter Quarter

Originalism, ProfMichael McConnell, Spring Quarter

Originalism and the American Constitution: History and Interpretation, Prof. Jonathan Gienapp, Autumn Quarter

Qing Legal Documents, Prof. Matthew Sommer, Winter and Spring Quarters

Race and International Law, Prof. Darryl Li, Autumn Quarter

Racial and Gender Inequalities in Latin America, Prof. Eliane Cavalleiro, Spring Quarter

Racial Identity in the American Imagination, Prof. Allyson Hobbs, Spring Quarter

Reconstruction: Adding the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, Prof. Michael McConnell, Winter Quarter

Riot!: Visualizing Civil Unrest in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Prof. Rose Salsida, Spring Quarter

Sentencing, Corrections, and Criminal Justice Policy, Prof. Joan Petersilia, Spring Quarter

Sexual Violence in America, Prof. Estelle Freedman, Spring Quarter

Slavery, Human Trafficking, and the Moral Order: Ancient and Modern, Profs. David Cohen and Richard Saller, Winter Quarter

State Constitutional Law, Prof. Jane Schacter, Autumn Quarter

Terrorism, Prof. Robert Crews, Autumn Quarter

The American Legal Profession, Prof. Robert Gordon, Spring Quarter

The Central Park Five Case, Prof. David Mills, Autumn Quarter

The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1830 to 1877, Prof. Kathryn Olivarius, Spring Quarter

The Politics of Sex: Work, Family, and Citizenship in Modern American Women’s History, Prof. Estelle Freeman, Spring Quarter

The White Supremacist Constitution: American Constitutional History, Prof. Michele Dauber, Winter Quarter

Theories and Critiques of Legal Education, Prof. Bernadette Meyler, Autumn Quarter

The Constitution: A Short History, Prof. Jack Rakove, Spring Quarter

The “Woman Question” in Modern Russia, Prof. Katherine Jolluck, Winter Quarter

Topics in Constitutional History, Prof. Jack Rakove, Spring Quarter

U.S. Legal History, Prof. Greg Ablavsky, Autumn Quarter

What Counts as “Race,” and Why?, Prof. Aliya Saperstein, Winter Quarter

When Worlds Collide: The Trial of Galileo, Prof. Paula Findlen, Autumn Quarter