Education Justice Academy Project


The Education Justice Academy (EJA) recruits, trains, and supports school board members to increase educational justice and equity at the district level. SLS participants will work directly with EJA cohort members. Each student will meet on a regular basis with their cohort member to discuss the member’s ideas and needs, and will also meet with other graduate (law and non-law) students involved in the EJA Fellowship. In addition to supporting their assigned EJA cohort member, SLS participants will have the opportunity to support research and writing tasks involving legal and policy research and analysis for other cohort members and to assist the EJA curricular team, as needed.

Commitment Required of Members:

On average, SLS students involved in the Education Justice Academy (EJA) Fellowship will undertake 2 to 5 hours of work per week during the fall quarter and the first few weeks of winter quarter. There may also be opportunities for EJA fellows to engage with a second EJA cohort in the spring.

Open Membership Spots: 5

Adv. Degree Student Participation: Permitted

Winter Start: Not Permitted; Fall Start Required

Eligible for Meeting NYS Bar Pro Bono Requirement: Unlikely

Project Leaders: Aiden Bruce