Copyright Policy Practicum: Copyright Licensing

One of today’s great challenges for creative production on and off the Internet is to connect creative users of copyrighted works with the works’ owners quickly and cheaply in order to enable licensed uses. With the United States Copyright Office as its client, this practicum will develop a feasibility study and rough prototype for a Web-based, frictionless, copyright clearance and transaction system for photographs. Law students will work with computer science and business students to inventory existing sources of copyright ownership information for photographs; explore with the managers of these sources (including the Copyright Office) protocols for integrating the sources in a Web-based platform; explore use protocols with potential copyright users; develop strategies for gathering ownership data that do not presently reside in databases; and develop (and possibly implement) criteria for platform-enabling software.

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Clients & Deliverables


2014-2015 Deliverables:

Students worked closely with the United States Copyright Office to develop a feasibility study and proof of concept for a web-based, low-friction, copyright licensing and transaction system for photographs.

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2015-2016 Deliverables:

  • Automated licensing prototypes
  • White paper
  • Online licensing database
  • Report that builds on Winter/Spring 2015 report

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