Law Firm Job Search TGIF

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As you start thinking about and preparing for your 2L summer job search, you probably have lots of questions. With so many firms to choose from, how do you begin to tell them apart? One good way to start is to ask your 2L and 3L classmates about their law firm job search experience. They’ve been through it and can provide you with valuable insights on how to navigate the process – from researching employers, interviewing tips, the decision-making process and more!

Join OCS for a student led panel and TGIF where 2Ls and 3Ls will share their experiences and thoughtful advice. Immediately following the panel, join your classmates in the law lounge for a TGIF with yummy food and drinks where you can ask even more questions.

3:00 PM – Panel
4:00 PM – TGIF


Office of Career Services

Stanford Private Practice Association (SPPA)