
Stanford OutLaw is a student organization dedicated to serving the LGBTQ+ law student community. We host a variety of events, both social and political in nature, on issues concerning queer and trans communities at the law school, and in society. Our goal is to engender a sense of community for LGBTQ+ students at the law school, and to make the law school as open, welcoming, and hospitable to queer and trans students as possible.

OutLaw Members at the inaugural Lavender Ball. Lavender Ball is OutLaws signature event, the first of which was hosted on Friday, April 12, 2024.

OutLaw is concerned with the situation of queer and trans people in society, in the legal community, and at Stanford University. We serve as a social, support, and political group, and actively combat homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism, and any discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity at the Law School.

OutLaw hosts social events and community building activities, advocates for and on behalf of queer faculty, and presents panels focusing on academic and professional concerns of queer students. We also cooperate with the Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom (the Bay Area LGBT bar association) and coordinate activities with other Stanford student organizations, as well as with other Bay Area law school LGBT groups.


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