Progressive Prosecution from Politics to Policy to Practice


It will take more than one election, one person, and one district attorney’s office to end mass incarceration and racial disparity in our justice system. The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office faces the challenge of attempting to address decades of inequity in the justice system, with jails and prisons that are still overcrowded with people who should be returned to their communities. Our communities must also invest more in public health, economic opportunity, and educational advancement. In order to build improved plans for reentry and rejuvenation, we need strong, committed, well-funded criminal justice partners across the city, region, and state. Despite these challenges, the office remains committed to building on the progress of progressive prosecutors in Philadelphia, Boston, Los Angeles, and Chicago, and expanding the movement to the rest of California and the nation –– so that we can ultimately spur systemic change that is long overdue.


Stanford University Stanford, California
  • Chesa Boudin and Tal Klement, Progressive Prosecution from Politics to Policy to Practice, 16 Stan. J. C.R. & C.L. 489 (2021).
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