The Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties (CRCL) is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to civil rights and liberties issues–both domestic and international.
Stanford Law School students founded CRCL in 2004 to explore the changing landscape of the civil rights and civil liberties dialogue, the real world implications of these changes on society, and the larger structural and systematic implications of these issues.
CRCL publishes two issues per year, featuring articles, essays, reviews, and commentary from prominent and emerging scholars, practitioners, and students. In addition to organizing annual symposia on civil rights and civil liberties, CRCL invites speakers and panelists to engage with the Stanford community on topics of interest and importance.
CRCL membership is open to all Stanford Law School students. Executive Board members are elected in the winter quarter of each year.
We are delighted to announce that the Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties is now being published online-only and does not require a subscription.
Volume 20 (2023-24) Staff
Harry Bagenstos
Lauren Courtney
Executive Editors
Teia Anderson
Jannet Gomez
Lisa Lu
Managing Editors
Justin Iannacone
Dorna Movasseghi
Anastasia Reisinger
Articles Editors
Marin Callaway
Cydni Holloway
Harith Khawaja
Jacqueline Lewittes
Sally Marsh
Student Note Editors
Hannah Fleischmann
Hannah Motley
Technical Managing Editor
Gabrielle Braxton
Development Editors
Imani Nokuri
Kevin Wang
Senior Editors
Aja Johnson
Sarah Wishingrad
Member Editors
Delia Appiah Mensah
Shannon Chung
Rebecca Cortez
Anna Dolder
Cami Doo
Rebecca Han
Harrison Hurt
Gretchen Knaut
Aoife Madden
Victoria Osanyinpeju
Jasmine Perales
Ariel Salmon
Emily Scharff
Shreya Singh
Micaela Wibberly
Frances Wu
Kevin Yan
Anna Zannetos
At its core, CRCL is devoted to the discovery and transmission of legal knowledge. CRCL cannot be limited in its methods and ways of thinking, or confined to one individual’s or a single community’s experiences. To further this mission, we must bring a broad range of ideas and approaches.
CRCL strives to ensure that a diversity of cultures, races and ethnicities, genders, political and religious beliefs, physical and learning differences, sexual orientations and identities is represented. Such diversity will inspire new angles of inquiry, new modes of analysis, and new solutions, contributing to our core mission.
To advance legal scholarship, it is essential to be exposed to views and cultures other than one’s own and to have one’s opinions and assumptions challenged. Such engagement expands our horizons, enables understanding across difference, prevents complacency and promotes intellectual breadth.
Our diversity ensures our strength as an intellectual community. In today’s world, diversity represents the key to excellence and achievement.