Table of Contents
Fall ’21
Issue 105/Vol. 56/No. 1
From the Dean
Cover Story
California Burning
Stanford environmental law experts discuss the challenges California faces from the growing risks of climate change—including more severe drought, wildfires, and smoke.
Legal Matters
Legal Education In Afghanistan and the Return of Taliban Rule
A timely conversation about Stanford’s Afghanistan Legal Education Project and its work with the American University of Afghanistan
In Brief
School News
New Executive Director For SCRJ
Leveraging California’s Financial Clout For Climate Change
In Focus
Fred Alvarez
A profile of Fred Alvarez, JD ’75 (BA ’72), one of the nation’s leading employment law experts with a long record of public service and leadership in the profession
What’s the Cost of Silence?
A Stanford Law policy practicum explores the use of non-disclosure agreements, with former Fox News star Gretchen Carlson among its clients
Impact and Intrigue
A profile of Molly Claflin, JD ’08, looking at her career investigating political and policy questions
The Rock Center
A look at Stanford’s Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance, 15 years after its founding
A Pattern of Violence
A look at Professor David Alan Sklansky’s latest scholarship and new book A Pattern of Violence: How the Law Classifies Crimes and What It Means for Justice
Point of View
Federal Ground
An excerpt from Professor Gregory Ablavsky’s new book, Federal Ground: Governing Property and Violence in the First U.S. Territories
![Stanford Lawyer Magazine Issue 105 1](
New Faculty
Elizabeth A. Reese
Stanford Law School welcomes Elizabeth A. Reese, assistant professor of law—the first Native American on the tenure-line faculty.
Clinic News
The Forest and the Fisher
Students in the Environmental Law Clinic encourage protection of California’s forests by highlighting the plight of an endangered mammal known as the Pacific fisher.
Financing High-Carbon Infrastructure In the Developing World
An essay by Angela Ortega Pastor (MA ’21) and David Liou, JD/MBA ’23
Representing The U.S.: Bringing Island Innovation and Youth Advocacy To Climate Change Summit Negotiations
An essay by Rayne Sullivan, JD ’23
The Last Word
Your Vote, Your Signature
Stanford Students’ Work Leads to New Signature Verification Legislation
Class notes PDFs
In Print
Alumni publications
Shaded Boxes
Alumni profiles
In Memoriam
Alumni obituaries