Seeking Feedback on Model Use of Force Policy – Beta Version Release Complete

Today’s (May 15) release of the final chapter of the beta version of the Model Use of Force Policy marks a significant milestone for the Stanford Center for Racial Justice. The beta version of the Model Policy is complete and covers a wide range of policing areas—from pursuits and weapons to de-escalation strategies and duties to intervene and provide medical aid. Nevertheless, the completion of the beta version is not the end of our process. Over the coming months, we plan to further refine and expand upon the policy through feedback, ongoing research, and the development of policy tools and supporting materials.

We are committed to ensuring that the Model Policy is a helpful and adaptable resource for communities and police departments throughout the United States. To that end, we would value and appreciate your input on the policy. We are actively seeking feedback on all chapters of the beta version. We want to receive your insights, experiences, and perspectives as we aim to build a better Model Policy that reflects the realities of modern-day policing, addresses the challenges, and accurately incorporates the latest evidence-based research and innovative practices on use of force.

There are multiple ways to share feedback on the Model Policy. You can use our Feedback Form or you can email any feedback or comments to: Dan Sutton, Stanford Center for Racial Justice:

Your feedback will be integral in shaping the Model Policy and promoting policing practices that will be fair, safe, and equitable for everyone.