CodeX Affiliate Program

CodeX works to advance the state-of-art in technology that is used to improve legal and governance systems and industries that operate in them. Via the CodeX Affiliate Program, organizations operating at the intersection of law, governance, and technology work with us to advance the frontier of legal technology, increasing the efficiency and transparency of, and access to, legal systems around the world. Affiliate program membership fees provide CodeX unrestricted support and offer members a unique opportunity to collaborate with us. Members are encouraged to develop long-term, multi-year relationships. Companies interested in the law’s response to new technologies rather than technology for the law, might consider affiliate membership in the Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology (LST).

CodeX Affiliate Members

Membership Fee

Affiliate agreements are renewed annually at the close of each calendar year. Adding membership in the Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology Affiliates Program deducts 25% off the applicable membership rate for LST.

Membership Type Fees
Standard Membership $100,000 per year; $225,000 for three years.
Premium Membership $200,000 per year; $450,000 for three years.



Standard Membership

  • Research:
    • Provide industry perspective on CodeX research focus areas
    • Participate in industry specific initiatives (e.g., CodeX Insurance Initiative)
    • Participate in white paper and/or case study development
    • Explore opportunities for joint research projects
    • Participate in research symposium reviewing current research projects and in briefings on regulatory and technical developments
  •  Community engagement:
    • Nominate a qualified individual to CodeX advisory board, and industry specific initiatives
    • Participate in CodeX FutureLaw conference planning
    • Nominate speakers for CodeX FutureLaw conference and other events based on opportunity availability
    • Send two attendees to CodeX FutureLaw conference with registration fee waived; enjoy discounted registration fee for remaining attendees
  • Acknowledgement:
    • Recognition as sponsor of CodeX large-scale events (e.g., annual CodeX FutureLaw conference); includes opportunity for two organization invitees to attend invitation-only VIP/speaker dinner the evening prior to the CodeX FutureLaw conference.

Premium Membership

All benefits included in Standard Membership, plus:

  • Research:
    • Discuss key research areas in computational law with CodeX faculty, research staff, and/or students
    • Collaborate with CodeX faculty and staff to establish and develop special working groups and projects – Facilitated participation in topical working groups and projects (e.g., CodeX Insurance Initiative, CodeX Blockchain Group, Computational Antitrust project):
      • Provide thought leadership and insights to help guide translation of computational law research to industry applications
      • Develop recommendations for related best practices and standards
  • Visiting scholars: Opportunity to nominate one visiting scholar per academic calendar year. Visiting scholar opportunities are competitive and limited. Additional fees apply only if a nominee is selected as a visiting scholar.
  • Community engagement opportunities: Send five attendees to CodeX FutureLaw conference with registration fee waived
  • CodeX Research Assistant (RA) Program: Opportunity to host a member of our research team, who will travel to and collaborate with the affiliate member for one or more academic quarters while working on a related project. Our CodeX RA program is an opportunity for our researchers to be embedded with our affiliates (additional fee plus organization’s cost of hosting the RA applies). The site presentations and all information, data and results arising from such visitation interactions will be shared with all members and the public.

Information Sharing & Intellectual Property

All information, data, and results arising from CodeX research will be shared with all members and the public. CodeX Program researchers will use and develop open-source software, and it is the intention of all CodeX Program researchers that any software released will be released under an open source model. Please note that additional and/or updated policies may apply.


For more information about the CodeX Affiliate Program, please contact:

Chrisanthe Steininger

Associate Director of Development, Corporate and Foundation Relations
Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610
Phone: 650 374.9591
Fax: 650 725.9786

For more information about CodeX, please contact:

Roland Vogl

Executive Director and Lecturer in Law
Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology
Co-founder and Executive Director
CodeX – The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics
Tel: 650 723.8532

For more information about Industrial Affiliate programs, please refer to the Stanford Policy.