Optimizing the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ System for Electronic Rate and Forms Filing Through the Implementation of Computable Contracts Concepts and Artificial Intelligence Technologies


  • Chris Reed
  • Damien Zillas
Publish Date:
March 29, 2024
Publication Title:
Codex Insurance Initiative
Stanford Law School
White Paper
  • Chris Reed, Codex Affiliate and Chief Risk Officer, Nonprofit Insurance Alliance (NIA); Damien Zillas, Compliance Coverage Counsel, NIA; Optimizing the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ System for Electronic Rate and Forms Filing Through the Implementation of Computable Contracts Concepts and Artificial Intelligence Technologies; Codex Insurance Initiative; March 2024.
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The paper discusses the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’s (NAIC) System for Electronic Rate and Forms Filing (SERFF) in the context of insurance regulation in the United States. While SERFF streamlines the filing process, its reliance on traditional documents limits its potential. The paper advocates for integrating computable contracts and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into SERFF, highlighting the benefits of such enhancements for regulators, insurers, and consumers. By leveraging these advancements, SERFF could facilitate comprehensive policy analysis, enhance regulatory efficiency, and foster market transparency. The proposed evolution towards a fully automated computable contract filing regime would revolutionize insurance regulation and empower stakeholders across the industry.