SAILS Education Resource Modules

A Brief Guide
In an effort to provide helpful and reliable materials for individuals interested in legal issues associated with artificial intelligence and machine learning, we have compiled a curated list of resources on some dominant areas of intersection between AI and the law.

We’ve done our best to categorize the readings and resources in a way that is intuitive and well-defined.  This is not an attempt to create a wholly exhaustive literature review.  Rather we want to provide individuals with a reliable and holistic reference point for their endeavors into AI and law.  This first module provides insight into the field of criminal justice and artificial intelligence.  We will continue to add additional modules for your benefit.  If you have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Cheers!

SAILs Education Team

AI and Criminal Justice

Preventative Policing, Deterrents

A. Predictive and Enhanced Policing

B. Analyzing Police Conduct

  • Body Cameras, Big Data, and Police Accountability
    Fan, M. D. (2018). Body Cameras, Big Data, and Police Accountability. Law & Social Inquiry, 43(4), 1236-1256.  Retrieved from
  • Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Human Rights Video Analysis: Case Studies, Possibilities, Concerns, and Limitations.  Aronson, J. D. (2018). Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Human Rights Video Analysis: Case Studies, Possibilities, Concerns, and Limitations. Law & Social Inquiry, 43(4), 1188-1209.  Retrieved from
  • Can we trust computer with body-cam video? Police departments are being led to believe AI will help, but they should be wary.  Greene, D., & Patterson, G. (2018). Can we trust computer with body-cam video? Police departments are being led to believe AI will help, but they should be wary. IEEE Spectrum, 55(12), 36-48. Retrieved from

C. Bias and Inaccuracy

Judicial Decision-Making: Sentencing & Parole

A. Overview

B. Bias Concerns

  • Limitations of Mitigating Judicial Bias with Machine Learning.  Lum. K., (2017) Limitations of Mitigating Judicial Bias with Machine Learning.  Nature Human Behavior. Article No. 0141.  Retrieved from
  • Machine Bias by ProPublica.
    Angwin, J., Larson, J., Mattu, S., & Kirchner, L. (2016). Machine bias. ProPublica, May, 23. Retrieved from
  • Fair, Transparent, and Accountable Algorithmic Decision-making Processes.
    Lepri, B., Oliver, N., Letouzé, E., Pentland, A., & Vinck, P. (2018). Fair, transparent, and accountable algorithmic decision-making processes. Philosophy & Technology, 31(4), 611-627.  Retrieved from
  • Algorithmic decision making and the cost of fairness
    Corbett-Davies, S., Pierson, E., Feller, A., Goel, S., & Huq, A. (2017, August). Algorithmic decision making and the cost of fairness. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 797-806). ACM.  Retrieved from
  • Inherent Trade-offs in the Fair Determination of Risk Scores
    Kleinberg, J., Mullainathan, S., & Raghavan, M. (2017). Inherent trade-offs in the fair determination of risk scores. In Proceedings of the 8th innovations in theoretical computer science conference. New York: ACM. Retrieved from

C. Legal & Constitutional Concerns

  • Does the Use of Risk Assessments in Sentences Respect the Right to Due Process? A Critical Analysis of the Wisconsin v. Loomis Ruling
    Beriain, I. D. M. (2018). Does the use of risk assessments in sentences respect the right to due process? A critical analysis of the Wisconsin v. Loomis ruling. Law, Probability and Risk, 17(1), 45-53. Retrieved from

D. Public Policy Concerns

AI and Freedom of Expression

Censorship, Free Speech Theory, Freedom of the Press

A. Free Speech Doctrine and Regulation

B. Freedom of Press and Media

Legal Definition of AI Speech, Assignment of Rights

A. Characterization of AI-Powered Speech Entities

B. Assignment of Free Speech Rights

AI, Liability, and Legal Personhood

Legal Personhood and Regulation

A. Legal Personhood 

B. Regulating AI Entities

  • You Might Be a Robot
    Casey, Bryan and Lemley, Mark A., You Might Be a Robot (February 1, 2019). Cornell Law Review, 2019.
  • Regulating Artificial Intelligence Systems
    Scherer, M. U. (2016). Regulating artificial intelligence systems: Risks, challenges, competencies, and strategies. Harvard Journal of Law Technology, 29(2), 353-400.
  • The Implications of Modern Business–Entity Law for the Regulation of Autonomous Systems
    Bayern, S. (2016). The Implications of Modern Business–Entity Law for the Regulation of Autonomous Systems. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 7(2), 297-309.

Liability and Tort