For Your Class
Reunion Committee Member
These volunteers are integral to the success of their reunion year. Committee members are ambassadors for the law school, encouraging their classmates to attend SLS Reunion and to make a gift in celebration of their milestone. The committee is also responsible for planning a class-hosted event during SLS Reunion and providing guidance to staff while planning a memorable weekend for the class.
Reunion Chair
Reunion chairs partner closely with the External Relations team to create a meaningful experience for their class during a reunion year. They are leaders for their committee and for their class, working with staff to develop a class campaign strategy, create compelling class programming, and effectively manage their committees.
Class Correspondent
Serve as your class correspondent and collect updates from fellow classmates and author the section that appears in the Stanford Lawyer magazine.
Venue Host
Provide a venue for an alumni event, can be a law firm, museum, restaurant, house, etc.
Event Host
Host an event by contributing to the cost of catering or the venue.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed above or have other ways in which you would like to volunteer for Stanford Law School, please contact the Reunions team.
Contact Reunions Team
On Campus
1L Moot Court Volunteer
Help judge the 1L moot court arguments held each spring. Nearly seventy attorneys are needed to provide feedback and guidance to first-year students. Unlike the Kirkwood Moot Court Competition, 1L moot court is required of all first-year law students as a part of their legal research and writing class.
Marion Rice Kirkwood Moot Court Competition
Judge the Marion Rice Kirkwood Moot Court Competition held in April. Each year alumni with litigation experience are needed to help judge the preliminary and quarter-final rounds, in which teams of 2L and 3L students brief and argue a case before panels of distinguished attorneys sitting as the Supreme Court of the United States.
Panel Coordinator
Recruit and coordinate the panelists for a program.
Brown Bag Speaker
Speak to a group of alumni and/or students about relevant experience during lunchtime programs.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed above or have other ways in which you would like to volunteer for Stanford Law School, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations.
Contact Alumni Relations
In Your Region
Law Chapter Chairs
Law Chapter Chairs are ambassadors of Stanford Law School, helping keep alumni connected to the school and each other. Working closely with the Alumni Relations team, chairs are responsible for planning and managing regional programs and events in the established Law Chapter regions. They assist in outreach for events and serve as the event host, often giving the welcoming remarks at events.
Law Chapter Outreach
Conduct targeted phone and/or email outreach to build attendance for local events. Assist with social media marketing.
Venue Host
Provide a venue for an alumni event, can be a law firm, museum, restaurant, house, etc.
Event Host
Host an event by contributing to the cost of catering or the venue.
Keynote Speaker
Deliver remarks on a timely topic or relevant subject at an event.
Panel Coordinator
Recruit and coordinate the panelists for a program.
Brown Bag Speaker
Speak to a group of alumni and/or students about relevant experience during lunchtime programs.
Etiquette Event Host
Be our guest and table host as we bring alumni and students together so that students, while practicing the skill of Networking/informational interviewing can also learn about and practice proper business etiquette.
Dinner by the Dozen Host
This is an opportunity for alumni and current students to network in an intimate environment such as at an alumnus home or office to discuss shared interests.
Admissions Ambassador
Alumni may serve as welcome ambassadors by reaching out to newly admitted students. Alumni can choose to call incoming or host an admitted student reception in their area. Ambassadors can host yield events, summer happy hours, and send-offs in various cities, be involved at Admit Weekend to demonstrate the strength of the alumni community, or be an alumni speaker at Orientation.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed above or have other ways in which you would like to volunteer for Stanford Law School, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations.
Contact Alumni Relations
In Diverse Communities
Women of Stanford Law Mentor
The program pairs an alumna with current Stanford Law students for a mentoring relationship.
Dinner by the Dozen Host
This is an opportunity for alumni and current students to network in an intimate environment such as at an alumnus home or office to discuss shared interests.
Venue Host
Provide a venue for an alumni event, can be a law firm, museum, restaurant, house, etc.
Event Host
Host an event by contributing to the cost of catering or the venue.
Keynote Speaker
Deliver remarks on a timely topic or relevant subject at an event.
Panel Coordinator
Recruit and coordinate the panelists for a program.
Brown Bag Speaker
Speak to a group of alumni and/or students about relevant experience during lunchtime programs.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed above or have other ways in which you would like to volunteer for Stanford Law School, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations.
Contact Alumni Relations
With Students
Mock Interviewers
Volunteer attorneys conduct job interviews and offer feedback to help 1L students. We generally ask for a 2-3 hour commitment during the late afternoon/early evening (4-7 p.m.).
Public Interest Alumni Mentors
This is a commitment to be “on-call,” as alumni mentors need not be on campus. They agree to reply to emails/phone calls from SLS students and chat with them about their careers. We sometimes also ask our PI Alumni mentors to talk to admits about their SLS experience and the work they’re doing now.
Public Interest Job Search Handbook Contributors
We have a number of public interest job search handbooks (e.g., International Human Rights, Government) and often ask alumni to write blurbs sharing their advice.
Etiquette Event Host
Be our guest and table host as we bring alumni and students together so that students, while practicing the skill of Networking/informational interviewing can also learn about and practice proper business etiquette.
Brown Bag Speaker
Speak to a group of alumni and/or students about relevant experience during lunchtime programs.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed above or have other ways in which you would like to volunteer for Stanford Law School, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations.
Contact Alumni Relations
Other Opportunities
Venue Host
Provide a venue for an alumni event, can be a law firm, museum, restaurant, house, etc.
Event Host
Host an event by contributing to the cost of catering or the venue.
Keynote Speaker
Deliver remarks on a timely topic or relevant subject at an event.
Panel Coordinator
Recruit and coordinate the panelists for a program.
Brown Bag Speaker
Speak to a group of alumni and/or students about relevant experience during lunchtime programs.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed above or have other ways in which you would like to volunteer for Stanford Law School, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations.