Does DEI Training Work?
This page includes resources on whether DEI trainings work, focusing particularly on assessments of those trainings held either in corporations and other private sector entities; or as required as part of professional licensing. For information about DEI training efforts as part of the curriculum in professional schools, see the sections in this site on Legal Education and Other Professional Education.
General Discussions
Materials discussing DEI trainings generally or in multiple contexts
- Katerina Bezrukova et al., A Meta-Analytical Integration of Over 40 Years of Research on Diversity Training Evaluation [Electronic version], Cornell University, SHA School site.
- Patricia G. Devine & Tory L. Ash, Diversity Training Goals, Limitations, and Promise: A Review of the Multidisciplinary Literature, Annual Review of Psychology (pending 2022). [article behind paywall]
- Leonor Corsino & Anthony T. Fuller, Educating For Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Review Of Commonly Used Educational Approaches, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science (2021). [article behind paywall]
- Jennifer Kim & Loriann Roberson, I’m Biased and So Are You. What Should Organizations Do? A Review of Organizational Implicit Bias Training Programs, Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research (forthcoming 2021). [preprint behind soft paywall]
- Janos Salamon et al., The Interplay Between The Level of Voluntary Participation and Supervisor Support On Trainee Motivation And Transfer, Human Resource Development Quarterly 1 (2021).
- Elizabeth Levy Paluck et al., Prejudice Reduction: Progress and Challenges, 72 Annual Review of Psychology 533 (2021).
- John McWhorter, The New York Times (various articles collected, 2020-2021).
- David Pedulla, Diversity & Inclusion Efforts that Really Work, Harvard Business Review (May 12, 2020). [article behind soft paywall]
- Edward H. Chang et al., Does Diversity Training Work the Way It’s Supposed To?, Harvard Business Review (Jul. 9, 2019). [article behind soft paywall]
- Edward H. Chang et al., The Mixed Effects of Online Diversity Training, 116 PNAS 7778–7783 (2019).
- Calvin K. Lai et al., Reducing Implicit Racial Preferences: II. Intervention Effectiveness Across Time, 145 Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 1001 (2016). [pre-print access; published article behind paywall]
- Alex Lindsey et al., The Impact of Method, Motivation, and Empathy on Diversity Training Effectiveness, 30 Journal of Business Psychology 605 (2015).
- Calvin K. Lai et al., Reducing Implicit Racial Preferences: I. A Comparative Investigation of 17 Interventions, 143 Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 1765 (2014).
- Juan M. Madera, Eden B. King & Michelle R. Hebl, Enhancing the Effects of Sexual Orientation Diversity Training: The Effects of Setting Goals and Training Mentors on Attitudes and Behaviors, 28 Journal of Business Psychology 79 (2013).
- Elizabeth Levy Paluck & Donald P. Green, Prejudice Reduction: What Works? A Review and Assessment of Research and Practice, 60 Annual Review of Psychology 339 (2008).
- Gwendolyn M. Combs & Fred Luthans, Diversity Training: Analysis of The Impact of Self-Efficacy, 18 Human Resource Development Quarterly 91 (2007). [article behind paywall]
- Carol T. Kulik et al., The Rich Get Richer: Predicting Participation in Voluntary Diversity Training, 28 Journal of Organizational Behavior 753 (2007).
- Loriann Roberson, Carol T. Kulik & Molly B. Pepper, Using Needs Assessment to Resolve Controversies in Diversity Training Design, 28 Group & Organization Management 148 (2003).
Materials focusing on evaluating DEI trainings and outcomes in the medical and healthcare field
- Lisa M. Harrison-Bernard et al., Knowledge Gains in A Professional Development Workshop On Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Implicit Bias in Academia, 44 Advances in Physiology Education 286 (2020).
- Crystal Jongen et al., Cultural Competence in Health: A Review of the Evidence (2018).
- Ellen Foster Curtis, Janice L. Dreachslin & Marie Sinioris, Diversity and Cultural Competence Training in Health Care Organizations: Hallmarks of Success, 26 The Health Care Manager 255 (2007). [article behind paywall]
Materials focusing on evaluating DEI trainings and outcomes in relation to business and management, including human resources and corporate initiatives.
- Frank Dobbin & Alexandra Kalev, Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev Explain Why diversity Training Does Not Work, Harvard Business Review, May 21, 2021. [article behind soft paywall]
- Sarah Green Carmichael, Next Steps for Companies That Pledged to Do Better on Diversity, Bloomberg Businessweek, Aug. 10, 2020. [article behind soft paywall]
- Mukta Kulkarni, K.V. Gopakumar & Shivani Patel, How Effective Are Disability Sensitization Workshops?, 40 Employee Relations 58 (2018). [article behind paywall]
- Frank Dobbin & Alexandra Kalev, Why Diversity Programs Fail, Harvard Business Review, 2016. [article behind soft paywall]
- Paula Caligiuri, Cultural Agility: Building a Pipeline of Successful Global Professionals (2012).
- Loriann Roberson, Carol T. Kulik & Molly B. Pepper, Individual and Environmental Factors Influencing the Use of Transfer Strategies After Diversity Training, 34 Group & Organization Management 67 (2009). [article behind paywall]
- Rohini Anand & Mary-Frances Winters, A Retrospective View of Corporate Diversity Training From 1964 to the Present, 7 AMLE 356 (2008). [article behind paywall]
- Carol T. Kulik & Loriann Roberson, Diversity Initiative Effectiveness: What Organizations Can (and Cannot) Expect from Diversity Recruitment, Diversity Training, and Formal Mentoring Programs, Diversity at Work 265 (Arthur P. Brief ed., 2008). [article behind paywall]
- Carol T. Kulik et al., The Rich Get Richer: Predicting Participation in Voluntary Diversity Training, 28 Journal of Organizational Behavior 753–769 (2007). [article behind paywall]
Materials focusing on evaluating DEI trainings and outcomes in academic administration for all levels of education.
- Aaron Baugh & Reginald F. Baugh, Assessment of Diversity Outcomes in American Medical School Admissions: Applying the Grutter Legitimacy Principles, 12 Sustainability 5211 (2020).
- Rebecca O’Connor et al., Short-Term Outcomes of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Institute for Nursing Faculty, 58 Journal of Nursing Education 633 (2019). [article behind paywall]
- Frank Dobbin & Alexandra Kalev, Why Doesn’t Diversity Training Work? The Challenge for Industry and Academia, 10 Anthropology Now 48 (2018). [article behind paywall]
- Jessi L. Smith et al., Now Hiring! Empirically Testing a Three-Step Intervention to Increase Faculty Gender Diversity in STEM, 65 BioScience 1084 (2015).
- Carol T. Kulik & Loriann Roberson, Common Goals and Golden Opportunities: Evaluations of Diversity Education in Academic and Organizational Settings, 7 AMLE 309 (2008). [article behind paywall]
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