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Barbara van Schewick

Barbara van Schewick
Barbara van Schewick
  • M. Elizabeth Magill Professor of Law
  • Director, Center for Internet and Society
  • Professor, by courtesy, Electrical Engineering
  • Room N262, Neukom Building


  • Antitrust Law
  • Communications Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • First Amendment
  • Internet & Cyberlaw
  • Net Neutrality

Faculty on Point | Barbara van Schewick on Network Neutrality

Students in Classroom

Policy Practicum: Restoring Net Neutrality

In 2017, the FCC eliminated all net neutrality protections and renounced its authority over broadband. That stunning reversal of two decades of FCC policy set off a public firestorm, prompted states, including California, to step in with their own protections, and led to protracted legal battles. Now a new FCC is set to revisit net neutrality with the goal of restoring open internet protections at the federal level. Historically, the FCC has given deep consideration to input from citizens, companies, interest groups, and public policy experts. This policy lab gives students the opportunity to participate in this process, and be trained to become the next generation of net neutrality and telecommunications law experts. Students will have an opportunity to make a lasting mark on real public policy. The FCC’s choices are crucial to issues like platform dominance, digital equity, and the digital divide.

view practicum : Policy Practicum: Restoring Net Neutrality


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